look at the other teams that were seeded..... and yes the game is not played by the fans...But as LSU fans we are very proud of the way we travel and support our program. Lets see how the cane fans show up.....I hope for your team the cane fans do show up and give them as much support as LSU does. good luck
You're right those national seeds do mean nothing in Omaha. We were the #2 national seed last year and went 2NQ. Florida State always seems to be a national seed and doesn't even make it to Omaha. Miami has a good team but lets see how they react to playing in a different environment than Coral Gables.
Some info on Miami when Carrillo is on the mound... He's tough to beat. He's gone 11-0 and the team has gone 15-0 in his starts beating in order since the begining of the year: Elon, Rutgers, Ill-Chicago, Penn State, Georgia Tech, Florida State, Florida State (again), Virginia, Coastal Carolina, Jacksonville, North Carolina, Ball State, Long Beach State, North Carolina State, Florida. Over those starts Carrillo has averaged 6.5 innings pitched, 5.4 hits, 2.06 ER, 2.3 BB, 5.3 K.
Beat Miami fan wise LSU has always out numbered everyteam who makes it to Omaha. Omaha people in General Love LSU. LSU will have more of a home field advantage as far as fans at the game saturday night
Carrillo is also going to be facing the SEC's top-ranked offense. So, while your pitcher is a hell of a player, try not to sound high and mighty just yet... For the record, I think LSU will win it--but I think it'll be a lot closer than 13-6. I'm thinking 3-1. Can't believe Miami has played only, what? 11 games outside of Florida??? Man--that's crazy... We just hung with a 1st round draft pick last week...I wouldn't put it past our offense to be able to do the same....
How right you are! When you get to Omaha, seeds DON'T mean a thing!!! Every team in there is there for a reason. When was the last time a "seed" won you the game????? Come Friday, you can throw your #3 National seed out of the window. Same for Texas' #1 and the other "National Seeded teams".... All eight teams are 0-0 on the season all over again.
What jumped out at me about Miami was how much they steal and how successful they are at it. I dont have the numbers handy but if memory serves me seems like 6 canes were in double digits with very, very few outs caught stealing. Tigers cannot allow cheap baserunners. This is one reason I was hoping Mestapey would pitch this instead of Bumstead because Mestapey is much better at managing men on base, being a lefty, and has a good snap throw. Bumsteads move to first is, well, not the fastest. I expect this to be a real struggle, and it will take some heroics to pull it out for the Tigers. Of course, heroics are what the Tigers are known for, for good reason eh Canes?, and I expect them to do it again, late, and take it 7-5.