The senate wouldn't get into it because they didn't like who won the BCS or that there was a split championship. They just want it to be more incucionary for some of the smaller schools and by adding a fifth BCS bowl game to give the non BCS schools a better chance of making it since there are only 2 at large selections. They will probably add that 5th game and also may exclude the Big East from the automatic spot after the contract runs out. They will also install a selection committee similar to what basketball has in order to add a little more human element without giving more value to the writers and coaches polls. They will not add the extra game as the coaches and presidents have already voted against it. And their won't be a playoff for a long time if ever as the presidetns, not the NCAA, are agianst it so even starting a new "league" wouldn't work as the same presidents would still be the ones making that decision. Plus as I've said previously, "they like all of the notoriety and attention a split national championship brings college football. this will probably be the biggest payoff ever in bowl money for the bCS bowls, watch and listen when they announce it.
BrettStah That's an interesting proposal. Seems to have a lot of positives, & being more inclusive. Only thing I can see is the extra game, which the college administrators might have a problem. Also the 12 member conference thing may be problematic to some. Still, seems something to think about.
Thanks for the feedback, Sooner70... I'm just waiting to be annointed dictator of the world so that I can implement it.
BrettStah, you make some good points but the problem is that the BCS works mainly off of sos. Even if all confererences had 12 teams and a CCG, this wouldn't help because all conferences are not equal. No way is the MAC or CUSA as strong as say the SEC or Big XII or even the ACC. Since teams in a conference play 3/4 or more of their games against conference foes, it stands to reason a MAC or CUSA team is not going to have the sos that an SEC or Big XII member is. In fact, if you did what you say, then this would open the door for ND or another indy to get in almost every year if they played and won against a strong schedule. So the system as it stands now is the best way and until the other conferences come up to par with the "Big Boys", then things will stay pretty much as they are and congress nor anybody else can change it, unless true playoff system is implemented and we know that's not going to happen. GEAUX TIGERS!! :geaux: :helmet: :lsug: :helmet: :geaux:
True, but under the current system they have less chance getting into the top 2, right? At least with the system I proposed they only need to reach the top 4. Not so fast, my friend! Notre Dame would not be exempt from my new rules... they would need to join a conference in order to be eligible for the national championship. I think my plan would be an improvement... less chance for controversy, in my opinion. Mainly because there are 4 teams eligible, and all 4 will have won their respective conference. Anyone not making it either lost their conference, or didn't play a well enough against a tough enough schedule to make the top 4 conference champs.
Conference strength is a real wild card. If you would've asked me before the bowl games what the Big XII would do, I probably would've said 5-3, maybe 4-4 worst. I would've never figured 2-6--and one of the two teams that won fired their coach--go figger that. Anyway, I don't know if maybe the conference was really strong, but just beat up on each other during the season to where there was nothing left at the end, or it was just a case of overestimating the Big XII's strength, not having a benchmark....the bowl games would seem to say the latter.