A lot of people seem to be in favor of the extra game after the BCS and a rule that a team cannot make the BCS title game unless they won their conference championship. Why is this? First, the extra game scenario is great in a year like we just had when there is dispute as to which teams are the top two. However, look at two years ago, Ohio State and Miami were the consensus top two teams. Would it have been fair to make either of those teams play another game against a non-deserving team for the championship? LSU and USC would have been great but it should have happened in the Sugar Bowl, but didn't because Oklahoma only dropped two spots after being whipped by K State. If OU drops to 4 in both polls the Sugar Bowl is LSU v. USC. The pollsters screwed it up in the first place and then screwedc it up even more. Second, on the championship rule, as I said before OU should have been penalized more for losing that game. However, think of a scenarion when there is one undefeated team in the country and everyone else has two losses. If that undefeated team loses its championship game and then has one loss, you want to tell them that they cannot play for the national championship because 2 two loss teams are in the game. That is not fair and a team should be appropriately penalized in the polls for losing a game, whether it is their first or last. If OU lost that game mid-season they would have fallen to the bottom of the Top 10, instead they only fall to 3. That was the true screw-up last year, not the BCS itself. The system works as it is, but the media saw a story in a split last year and ran with it. Consistency in poll voting is the key to solving these problems. It seems way to simple to me. :cuss:
All that makes sense but the only real solution is for them to get their heads out of their butts and have a real playoff system
if the 5th gane was in place osu and miami wouldn't have played the first game. they would have played usc and iowa. then the winner would have faced each other.
Sportswriters should have LESS input to deciding who plays for the N.C. game;the computers need to be "tweaked" for, 1.Strength of schedule, 2.strenght of conference, and to some degree margin of win. To much bias in the human polls. :helmet: