What does everyone think of this plan? The Associated Press: A look at Baucus health care plan http://finance.senate.gov/healthreform2009/finalwhitepaper.pdf
I noticed now they are using the word Health Coverage moreso than Health Insurance. Looks like they finally realize what the word insurance means and will try to make the Insurance players adapt.
this plan is making alot of noise on capitol hill. here is another article. Baucus unveiling health bill without GOP on board - Yahoo! News
I think I'm gonna try to read this next week. I have some airplane time. At first glance there are some good things and some bad. The bad are the huge taxes, the requirement to be covered, and I'm not clear on the no denial of coverage for pre existing. If that's for the co-op only, I can live with it. The good thing is no gov't plan and availability to healthcare by almost everyone.
98 pages is going to take a while to digest. However, there is a glaring contradiction that makes me skeptical. Tell me how you expand medicaid and cut government programs at the same time? Maybe its in the white paper and I will read about it but are we transferring the cost to the states (medicaid) to save the $507B? If thats the case we are not cutting anything. We are passing those costs off to be paid for, by us, in another way.
I would assume the idea is that those eligible for medicaid but not signed up would "have" to sign up. That expands medicaid. Then the cost cutting comes in these eliminations of inefficiencies we've been hearing about.
I only glanced at it but I need assurances that I can keep my plan, now and in the future and that there will be NO government option. I also want ACORN dismantled.
Law of large numbers. Groups of individuals can band together and shop around for coverage. It works in theory but I'm not sure it'll work in practice if the Gov is placing restrictions on the sellers.