This is the worst preseason ranking that i can remember in my time. Are we losing our powerhouse program? This should be Smoke's last outing unless he produces. Collegiate Baseball 1. TEXAS 2. FLORIDA 3. OREGON ST 4. NEBRASKA 5. RICE 6. CLEMSON 7. NORTH CAROLINA 8. FLORIDA ST 9. CS FULLERTON 10. GEORGIA TECH 11. MIAMI FL 12. ARIZONA ST 13. PEPPERDINE 14. MISSOURI 15. LSU 16. LONG BEACH ST 17. SOUTH CAROLINA 18. FLA ATLANTIC 19. TENNESSEE 20. OLE MISS 21. USC 22. NOTRE DAME 23. BAYLOR 24. TULANE 25. STANFORD 26. WICHITA ST 27. TCU 28. WINTHROP 29. OKLAHOMA 30. SOUTHERN MISS
So now pre-season rankings are the coaches fault? This forum needs a serious dose of intelligent posters. The dumb and dumber ones seem to be taking over.:dis: :dis:
You must be one of the most blind faith person I've ever come across. No, by themselves preseason rankings don't mean much. But when they are just a reflection of where this team has been finishing, I think it's a sign of bad things. Deny that this program hasn't been on a steady slide over the last 5 years. If you had you're way, coaches would have lifetime contracts with no standard being too low.
Do you think Stanford and USC have fallen off the scene as major powers in college baseball? I don't. Both of those teams are ranked below us. It just shows that teams sometimes lose a lot of talent all at once and it may take a year or two to reload. Let's just see what happens. Ask Tennessee football how much rankings mean.:yelwink2:
Not really. I just don't see gloom and doom around every corner. The stupid media picks us 15th and you see that as a sign that our program is headed into the crapper? By the some token, it looks like Oregon State is destined for the CWS. Let's see how that turns out.
I honestly don't understand why some of you choose to follow a sports team. Unless they win a championship, it's always bitch and moan time. Jeez,folks, let's at least watch the team play a few games before jumping on the "Fire (insert seasonal coach here)" bandwagon.