That's right. The Auburn faithful are outraged because Alabama players stomped on their logo. Aren't these the guys who told us it was no big deal and "everybody does it"?
LOL, I LOVE college football and RIVALRIES It keeps the spirit alive...... Wait til the next Iron Bowl It'll be interesting.... .what happens next......
How did the LSU fans respond when the Gator players went to the middle of the field after the game was over and then stomped all over the LSU logo in Death Valley? The TV coverage showed it, but no one seemed to make a big deal about it.
LSU fans were FURIOUS about Auburn players jumping on their logo in 2001 . . personally I don't care that they did it, I still don't think its a big deal. .however, we received a 15 yard penalty for doing it in BR . .why didn't bama . . ?
Well I saluted them properly and shouted that they could eat shit and die but since the game was over and we had gotten beat there wasnt much else anyone could do about it.
with all the Thugs on AU's team, I am suprized someone did not pop a cap into one of the Bama players for dis'in their house. That'l be next year......
Yeah we LSU fans quickly forgot about the Auburn players stupidity when we did that onside kick... and when Michael Clayton knocked the living shit out of whoever was returning the next kickoff.
"Uncle Gus" . . please list me a name of all the thugs on Auburn's team . . Start with the active players who have had problems with the law since at Auburn . . thanks. . . I'm still trying to figure out how it was a personal foul against Auburn in 2001, but not against bama in '03? If its a rule . .we deserved the personal foul and the resulting onside kick and TD. . but why didn't bama get one . .?