Barbara Boxer

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by PURPLE TIGER, Jul 21, 2009.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    I have said screw Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton 20 different times on this forum. I dont think I need to say that again. If thats your view of the black community, you need to get out more, if rappers are your view of the black community you need to get out more.

    Sharpton and Jackson are shake down artist, who care about their wallet. They show up to the wrong issues and miss the real issues where they could be needed. They display poor leadership and shady characteristics.
    They dont represent me or anyone I associate with.
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    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Buchanan helped craft policy in an administration. Lets not talk semantics Shane, deal with the issues I posted instead of this old excuse. None of the elected officials in the party have the balls to stand up to the guy. Especially if he is the featured speaker at Republican elected officials events. I know better, so should you.

    I dont have to rephrase anything, you just dont want to admit whats the truth for fear of whatever.

    Im not 100% Democrat, but Id never be a republican.
    Also show me where I have lied in this thread? If am so wrong.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Who ever said you lied? I am pretty sure I didn't and if you read something that implied that I did I apologize. The issue was/is Barbara Boxer and the comments and or tactics she used to try to get someone to change their stance. I fail to see the relevance of bringing in comments from some bimbos twitter page that are at least 2 weeks old only to say "Oh yeah, well your side does it too!" We know this crap goes on, but it isn't supposed to go on from the seat of an elected official. That is what I see as the "point" or "issue". Did she (Boxer) think her argument would have more weight if she presented a comment from a prominent black man that supported hers while trying to get another prominent black man to see it her way. It was obvious to some of us?

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    I see it both ways, Boxer was wrong in her comments. But so was the guy in his reaction. I just think its funny that repubs will jump on this story, but not the 3 stories I posted which has more to do with just one facebook page. I brought up Limbaugh and others. Oh and Rusty DePass is an republican official. So lets not talk semantics. There is relevance in my first post which was a response to the notion that blacks follow democrats for "entitlement programs"
    You know what nevermind:thumb:

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I love you man! :thumb:

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Lol you still dont get it. Tell me what social program I have benefited from the Democrats? Other than Early Child Hood Education when I was 3 years old. lol. No one tells me how to vote. You assume you know me, its quite typical that you continue to stereotype me. I have no problem with race my friend, I have been criticized by black people for the amount of white friends I hang out with.
    Trust me I know racism still exist and alot of it is directed at my race. Thats how the country started, if you dont remember. But I also realize that many people of many different races are racist. I know alot of black racist that I push back against all the time. The problem is you fail to realize the bigotry that comes out of your own party or you just dont want to admit it, which is fine. I posted examples for everyone to see. Im sure you dont want to address those issues. You continue to be a hypocrite and I'll continue to do the same. I can address mine, something you wont do.
    You keep making that excuse about them not being elected officials, I can post examples of republican elected officials racist comments. Otherwise I was just responding to your claim that black people vote democrat for entitlement programs, which is complete bullshyt.

    Love you as well.:thumb:
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yet they are the voice of conservative America. Where are the republican leaders? Are there republican leaders?

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    And I really do like you, otherwise I wouldnt even debate with you.:D
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Absolutely. I grew up in a state that is 30% black, live in a town that is 50% black, and I lived for 19 years in a neighborhood that is 80% black. I've lived around, worked around, and played around black folk all my life and I can tell you one thing about them that you can take to the bank.

    There is no such thing as a typical black person.

    I find they come rich and poor, admirable and despicable, urban and rural, industrious and lazy, friendly and hostile, smart and stupid, and every degree in between. Pretty much just like white folks.

    Sure, generalizations can be drawn about the black community. Political tendencies exist, social styles exist, etc., but one really has to guard against stereotyping an entire community by certain groups. It works the same way in reverse, of course. Not all white folks are rich bigots conspiring to oppress blacks. Lots of folks now semi-isolated in both luxury communities and in ghetto neighborhoods would do well to get out more.

    This Boxer/Alford business seems a lot less like racism to me than it does about insensitivity on one side and oversensitivity on the other.
  10. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    A better question is why are so many people so desperate to point to a party leader at all. I thought the whole point of a democracy was to decide things with a majority vote. Who cares if there is a face of a party...It's almost like you want this country to be divided. There shouldn't be a democratic team vs republican team. Both parties need to stop acting like 12 year olds and realize that we all live here. One party isn't going to fix everything and one party isn't solely responsible for breaking everything.

    I don't subscribe to any party. I have a brain that works perfectly fine. I don't understand why everyone is so hellbent on finding someone to hold responsible for everything that is wrong. YOU are responsible. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions and telling people how I feel about things. I don't need a face on TV telling people how I think for me. In fact, I hate that everyone is brainwashed to think that way.

    Red isn't Keith Olbermann and I'm not Rush Limbaugh. Think for yourself people. Stereotyping is good for comedy, not politics.
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