strike up the band.. drop the balloons... pat each other on the can hear it.. our bandwagon fans... saying, "we have us a bball team huh".. yeah.. "that guy thomas... what's his first name again??" "Is he a junior?" I don't remember him from last year" "Who's that white boy that can throw that ball???"... "Sure wish we had that Davis kid playing tight end" "He's a pretty good basketball player though" "When do we play Kentucky?" "That Brady guy is a pretty good coach" "How's come everybody wanted him fired?" We will hear these statements until the first loss and the bashers will be out in full force again.
win as a team, lose as a team.... and if we are the 6th man, and they are coming to the PMAC to cheer on the guys, then I don't care if they hate Brady or have never seen LSU basketball in their life... as long as they keep their opinions to themselves... The guys need the support!
I've been saying that about the basketball here in Tuscaloosa. I hate this. I have been having it out with the fans on my own board. I just joined a few days ago and I find myself in spats with idiots that love to bash Gottfried. "Win and the fans will show up"...This is the dumbest comment ever. I wish I could reach through the computer and slap a bitch! The players need the fans help to win. Not filling the seats and leaving with 3 minutes left, only down 8 isn't helping... Damnit you've got me all stirred up...:hihi:
I can understand that you do have to have a team that can compete for people to go, but especially in Alabama's case, you can't blame the coach for injuries... I've never been a coach, but I doubt he drew up the play for your man to have gotten hurt... :wink:
good to hear someone understands we need the same support against Louisiana monroe as we do against Georgia...Kentucky does it as does Arkansas... WE HAVE NO EXCUSES NOT TO HAVE BASKETBALL FANS LIKE THEY DO. One could say that basketball isn't all that good in Baton Rouge.. well excuse me.. must be pretty good since all of our starting 5 is from a 15 mile radius of the PMAC. It ticks me off that we only support a winner...
They are not blaming him for the injury's... they just say he can't coach.. I am talking about Gotfried.. typical water cooler talk up here is whether Mal is going to fire him or not.. I am very serious with this... Finebaum is ripping him again... Then you have Auburn... that is one school that will NEVER support their basketball team. Games are too late to get up and do the farming the next morning. You won't see any late night flights going to find a basketball coach in that town.
Lots of the fans on the board were saying things like: "We lost to Ole Miss at home...Fire him now" "I give up, this season is over" I hate this BS and I actually got threatened to be banned. When Chuck went down, the whole team deflated in the 2nd half--that's why we lost the game. I said it was going to be rough but 2 straight road wins over UK and AU mean something. An SEC road win isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. You guys showed how tough it was but our guys are playing inspired. They are not giving up ever. You guys saw that we battled to the end. We never gave up. That's what I like in our team. We're not deep and guys are going to get tired...But they are not quitting. I think we'll be tough at home for anyone...But if we can get a few road wins (State, Ole Miss, UGA) we can sqeak into the dance. I just wish that everyone else in Tuscaloosa felt the same way...
so easy to get them upset... the i hate brady nipple has dried up... i guess they will go after smoke next.. or until we lose a game.
I still don't like Brady! They've seem to come together a bit now. Unforunatley, Brady does not do a good job recruiting, developing, or preparing a point guard for the big games. We are doing well now, but what happens in the first round of the NCAA tournament when D. Mitchell gets in foul trouble. Does anybody remember how bad Wisconsin dominated us in the NCAA tournament a few years ago? We had Stromile then, and we still got beat b/c of an unprepared point guard. Also, if a point guard is supposed to be an extension of his coach, what should we think about that? I know D. Mitchell did well tonight, but is he the one to bring us to the promised land? After watching him for 4 years, I think not. Lets steal one of Dukes assistant coaches. Wojo could coach up our guards!:geauxtige