Prime ribeyes from Calandros, baked potato, asparagus, and a green salad w/homemade dressing for pre-game. Zapps, grilled smoked sausage, and these rolled things my neighbor makes with tenderloin strips, cream cheese, jalapeno and olives on the grill
Had to change it up a bit. When I went to pick up the ribs the boneless poke chops caught my eye. I also decided to cook a big chicken/sausage gumbo to package into smaller conatainers and freeze for quick meals later. I give some to my mother, sister, and keep some for us. Sooner and shane, I just fixed my first BM so here's a toast to you two foo's. Sooner, I will try to put you some of that Bloody Mary mix in the mail this week. It's glass and I'm not sure how to mail it but will ask. I guess the post office sells some of that wrap that everyone likes to pop.
I had several and some bud light in between. Head hurts already. Tip my hat to Bama- two great teams out there. Awesome game.