This guy is an idiot! A couple of years ago he was saying that tuberville was a better coach than Saban and calling Saban evil. How times have changed.:crystal: I guess bama would like a trophy!
The longer they go without the prospect of a decent coach the less appealing the job looks. Since Saban is not going to be the coach at Bama they better get to work finding someone that has the resume and is willing to coach for the gumps. I find it funny and enjoy watching them fumble the ball over and over so I'm happy to see the circus continue. Keep the laughs coming gumpville.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
can't say that I blame them though. Let's just say that for some odd reason, Saban would accept that job at 'Bama. (done laughing? ...good) But once he gets them to glory, the NFL will come calling again--and this time, with an even sweeter offer and he would be gone again. 'Bama's best scenerio is if Rodriguez accepts the job. Offering any college head coaching job to Saban is only a short-term solution as he would certainly be back in the NFL before he would see his 2nd recruiting class graduate. And if it sounds like I'm knocking Saban, then I'm sorry. That's not at all what I'm trying to do. But the bottom line is that Saban is a coach that has ALWAYS set his sights on the NFL. He likes the prestige. He loves being on a power trip (as do I), and rightfully so. Saban is an excellent head coach. I don't think he'll be in the college ranks for a long time--if ever again.
The only way Saban goes back to college, at a pay cut, is if he did not succeed as an NFL coach. I think he will. But if he gets to year 4 or 5 and is only producing mediocre records and not in the playoffs yet, it may not be his decision. Like I say, I expect he will succeed.
Finheaven has locked the 6X merged thread and stuck their fingers in their ears over any rumors regarding Saban and Bama. I'm thinking the same should be done here. The guy isn't leaving...
I live here in Birmingham and have read Scarbinsky's mindless columns in the Sports pages time and time again. His ramblings really don't belong in the Sports Section, they belong in the funny pages. He has never said anything that remotely resembled educated thinking.
They better drop this insane Saban rumor and quick. Actual chances at real coaches are waning the longer they feed this false rumor. Actual coaches will look upon this as a university that is totally delusional and won't begin to sniff this job. If they aren't careful, they will have to end up hiring someone like Joe Namath.
Namath would run the program like a govenment administration. Suzie would be an integral part of his cabinet. His liquor cabinet, that is.
I find it funny that Bama actually continues to cling on that silly concept. I like Bama fans I have rarely met one I didnt like BUT I am quickly losing faith in their rational thinking. The Man said countless times he is NOT interested yet they keep trying. Well its humorous to say the least.. Face it Bama, Saban is a Miami Dolphin. We have, and like or not he is NOT interested in Bama, and wasnt interested in staying at LSU either. So keep dreaming. It makes for fun reading.