Saban rejects Alabama's offer of 10 years, $50 million plus $7 million bonus So says this article:
I am thinking the Saban offer is bogus. They should be going after Rodriguez, but so is Miami, do you think they planted the Saban story in the Miami newspaper to make Coach Rod think about that?
There must be a complete meltdown on Bama forums right now. "WTF, we're ALABAMA!!@!@ How can anyone say no to us!! We offered MORE money than he makes in the NFL####@!!@!!!"
Those numbers look a bit high plus the fact contracts in Alabama can only be for 7 years.
Hence the options for years 8, 9, & 10. Get it? You just added even more legitimacy to it. Bama was the ones all along after Saban. Not the other way around.
:hihi: Noway in the world somebody turns that down, even Saban making 5 mil at Miami wouldn't turn that down. This story is a lie.
Alabama courted Saban So says this article: