"Yeah, my wife and I have watched it about a million times." OBSESSED MUCH? "She's a LSU fan and after I replayed that scene about a million times the win seems to have lost it's luster." HaHa! You wish bammer! Like I said... obsessed doesnt even describe it... "I'm glad I'm not an LSU fan. That is just wrong." wrong... gotcha... "i have been extremely happy after "big" wins, but this takes being happy to the next level. this would be as nasty as fear factor without having to eat certain animal body parts." riiiight.... "Buncha HomEAUXsexuals." Ha! Classy "That is just sick " "I had to check that out on DVR and yes it's sad but true.I'll have to show that to my neice who's a LSU fan.I bet mom and pop's are really proud!Totally sick." Tolerance isn't something practiced at alabama...
Yep. Some folks need to grow up a little bit and move on. If LSU loses to Ole Miss or Arky, the Bama fans will be able to see many grown up, male LSU fans CRYING, not kissing. That should make them happier. Anyway, I still say that the video evidence is inconclusive and not sufficient to warrant the rebuttal of the presumption that one of those two love birds is female.
I happen to know for a fact that the two people in the video were both indeed male..... and it disgusts me. This topic will never die.
I found out today that the guys in the picture are gay. I guess that is better than two drunken straight guys. I completely disagree with homosexuality, but I firmly believe in free will. Having said that, I believe we should sit back and take every bit of ridicule that comes our way because we would have done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. What goes around comes around, and we have been giving it for awhile. This will blow over soon, and we will soon find ourselves on the other side. I don’t believe BAMA fans are anymore homophobic than LSU fans. The ball just bounced in their favor this time. I’m ready to take it and forget it.
I know politics isn't something that should be dragged into a forum like this, but why is this a big deal? It's just two guys kissing. Anyone who has been to New Orleans shouldn't be shocked by this. The only reason people bring this up is homophobia. There are gay LSU football fans. Big shocker. At a stadium of 92,000 people with 3% of the general population being homosexual, that means there should be at least 2500 homosexuals at a home game statistically speaking. It's the end of the world.