I had a bad feeling about this game when they announced that Jamie Howard was the honoray captain. At first we all kind of laughed about it and made jokes about hoping we wouldn't get an early lead, but by the 4th quater it wasn't funny anymore. It's never good to relive memories of that Auburn game. Stupid Jamie Howard!
Are you serious Jamie was honoray captain? I kid you not after we scored that first touchdown so quick I had this bad feeling in my stomach, I thought it was just the chicken but now I know what it was from.
You can say he wasn't a good QB, or talk about the disappointing game, but c'mon...lay off the "stupid" comments when referring to a guy that came to LSU with visions of representing the school and played hard for us. No, he wasn't the best QB at LSU, but he tried. He shouldn't be called "stupid"...especially more than 10 years after his last game.
No no no..."stupid Jamie Howard" is sort of a figure of speech. I really have nothing against Jamie Howard and I give respect to all the players that have put their bodies on the line for this university. It was more a sad attempt at humor and a vehicle to express my disappointment in what happened Monday night than it was a shot at Howard. Didn't mean to offend anyone. With all that being said, this is a discussion board. We are here to express our feelings and views on all things LSU football. While I don't mean to offend anyone, there should be a little more tolerance on what is said here. :dis:
I agree.... people on this board are wayyy tooo offensive some times... it's okay though... no one who is a true fan would cut down the team. And, it's obvious that if you post here enough that you DO have at least a little bit of interest and pride in this school, and team. So, whatever... it doesn't make it better that our coaching sucks dick. Look at all of the OTHER schools with coaching changes... Hell they look better with less talent... I must be dreaming..