EJ Kuale was arrested this morning for simple battery...he beat up some kid in tigerland...i have no link, but heard from another board from a reliable source (BR po-po)...delete if you like.
No, not good, but let's wait and see what the circumstances were. Sure, these players need to be mindful of the fact that they represent and reflect upon the university and the program in a very public way both on and off the field, but young college kids will be young college kids. Hell, I've mixed it up a couple of times back in the day, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until the truth (or something close to it) comes out.
I agree. I've witnessed guys attempt to "take down" Eric Edwards at the Tiger Bar. I really hope EJ was seriously provoked and it will all work out in the end.
Simple battery could be anything from punching a guy in the nose to pushing someone out of your face that was talking smack. Wait and see the facts. I would be curious to know what time the incident took place. After curfew? Saban has said that he is an passionate and emotional player that is fiercely loyal. No telling what started the incident after last week’s game. :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug:
Is this the kid that was going to go to Miami, but came here instead. I've forgotten the details of the story...
No, that was Highsmith. Kuale played for Georgia Tech as a true freshman, was rather good, then had to go to CC because of grades, then signed with us. I believe that is the story.
He actually left when O'Leary went to ND. Supposubly he was attached to O'Leary and when he left the kid did not feel as if he fit in. He went to Juco and exceled. No discpline or grades problems that i have read about.