Smoke just made a fool of himself. There was no arguement there. If he had walked out, heard the explanation, shook the umps hand, and said "smart call.", he would have gained the admiration of 90 per cent of America. The only question was whether or not to throw out the player. The run already was counted!!!!!!!!!
the runner never attempted to slide, that is Smoke's argument. He would have run over the catcher no matter what.
I caught for many years. Baseball, softball, slow and fast pitch. Never was anyone more GENTLE than that runner. He did not try to run over the catcher. He put his arms up to protect his chest from a blow. NOW----COME ON TIGERS---PUT THOSE BATS TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :geaux: :tigbas:
Smoke was also out there saying hey if you make the right call @ 2B and call the runner who broke up that double play for interference we would already be out of this inning. The UMPS blew that call big time and it cost the Tigers 6 runs! BTW how are the Rebs doin in their quest for the CWS Championship?
The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide The rule is that you have to slide Do I need to type it a few more times?
And why didn't the announcers even mention that had the refs gotten that DB call right that USC would have not scored 1 run in that inning? I hate ESPN.
cleverly disguised SMOKE bashing thread from yet another Ole miss Fan. why oh why does this NOT suprise me. BTW read the post Richdog made. It doesn't matter if he was gentle or eating Frosted flakes, the rule is slide.
I think smoke was made about the reversal of the call after they consulted with their supervisor. Never heard of that happening. You can over rule calls, but to go back and reverse the call after talking about it for 20 mins? WTF is that? Why not just have instant replay.