Not sure how the game presented on TV, but it was one of the best LSU games I have personally attended. I have never been so stressed out in a game as I was during the 4th quarter, but in the end I truly believe the best team and COACH won the game. For all of you who come here and say Nutt would have been a better coach then Miles, I invite you to watch the rebroadcast and watch the stupid play calls he made in the 4th quarter that cost his team. You are blind if you think Les did not outcoach Nutt - even the Arkansas fans we talked to after the game commented on that. Hats off to the Arky fans - most of them were very nice and accomodating, but some of the younger ones (likely students) seemed to be on high horses and liked to curse out LSU fans and give us the finger, but that was a small minority. The stadium itself was pretty small, but suprisingly very loud - a good home field advantage for the Hogs. The place was electric in the 4th quarter. Our fans were awesome - especially towards the end of the game when we started the overrated, BCS, and Pasadena chants. I would say the fans stuck around a good 30 minutes after the game was over just having a great time congratulating the players and coaches. The band rocked too, as always. We saw the Orange Bowl reps there, and they seemed very impressed with our team and fans...hopefully that is a good sign. So to wrap it up, great game experience for my first Arkansas trip. Hopefully I can soon make a trip to Pasadena!
I agree with the whole post. I only ran into a couple of bad fans. The LSU traveling fans are the best. The LSU students at the game were all awesome, besides one guy that threw up in the stands. War Memorial was kind of small and I wasn't impressed with Little Rock. I would like to play them at Fayetteville.
Must have been the altitude.......I know our fans weren't boozing it on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in such a great venue. :grin:
I actually ran into quite a few bad Arkansas fans. Cursing, rude behvaior, dumb comments to my wife, and not showering and/or wearing deodorant were just a few things I experienced. Right guard should really sponsor that woo pig sooie cheer. Before the game they should set out little sticks of deodorant on every set. That was like Seinfeld BO.
Well, that garbage is probably to be expected, but the comments directed towards the wife are over-the-top outrageous. **** 'em with a rake.