Where dem aw-burn tiga fans na? Not braggin' on r team or nutin' but dem boys had it comin' to em. Cadillac looked like a Geo Metro tonight. Great win against the Aw-burn kitty cats. We are the real Tiga's ! Geaux Tiga's.
They are hiding in their holes, because they can dish it out, but these meat curtain/ camel toes can't take it. They like to talk smack here on Tiger Forums and then ban us on their lame Bauburn Message Boards. Screw them. Let them lie prostrate before the avenging swords of The Great Purple Centurion LSU Tigers! 31-7!! 31-7!! And just so you know it, Bauburnite: COACH SABAN LET YOU SCORE BECAUSE HE IS LESS MERCILESS THAN I AM!! I would have run up the score to 62-0, if I were coach. :geaux: :lsug:
Jean Lafitte I agree, a military man will not have mercy, it is not in our nature to stop the fight until a white flag has gone up or the enermy is routed from the field of battle. However, Mr. Saban is a football man with a football sense of taste and class, so he is merciful to a thoroughly whipped and defeated enemy on the field between the posts. So he will not run up the score like us who smell blood. Nevertheless, this was has thorough a victory has I have seen since the battle of New Orleans. Geaux Tigers! The Day of Reckoning has come and the past has been avenged! Don't you agree!?