Considering the fact that this rate goes up every year. Would anyone be in favor of a pay as you go system? This would mean that if you vehicle is not on the road the chances of having an accident go down. So you would not pay a monthly rate but if you put gas in your vehicle the insurance would be collected at the pump. Theft and other stuff would be a seperate policy.
Pay as you go would probably end up being more expensive for people who drive a lot, as most of us in the South do.
To some degree. However if you have 2 vehicles and one stays parked most of the time you would only be paying for the insurance when you used the gas. Everyone would pay the same and if you use the vehicle a lot you chances of accident go up so you would pay more. People like me with suburbans and full size pick ups would pay more since the gas mileage on these vehicles are down but the also generally can cause more damage. It's similar to a flat tax and sort of interesting concept. Don't know if I agree with it are not until someone wouold tell me how much a gallon something like this would cost. Also tourist or anyone traveling thru the state would contribute. One thing it woudl do is solve the un or under insured motorist problem that we pay in the long run and get no benefit from
I don't get it. Anybody with a timbleful of gas in their RV is fully insured, even if he only uses it once a year on vacation? Yet people who use their vehices a lot may pay much more than their fair share to receive the same insurance protection? No thanks. I'd rather pay a fixed fee for agreed-upon services and if another carrier can offer me better coverage or cheaper prices, I can change voluntarily. Pay-insurance-at-the-pump sounds like another no-fault plan where good-driver Peter is robbed to pay bad driver Paul. It just adds another layer of well-paid bureaucracy to the structure. It is correct for 17-year old males with four chargable accidents to pay much more for insurance than a 50-year old female with no accidents. Insurance rates shouldn't be based on how many miles you drive, but on how safely you drive and what the risks are for an individual. Tying insurance payments to how much gasoline one buys is linking it to economic management. Insurance, as always, should be determined by risk management.
Alls I know is that when I registered my car in GA I doubled my coverage and still took 70 a month of my payment.