I'm rooting for Tennessee. I don't care if Auburn wins or loses, but I would like Tennessee to win as many conference games as it can. I would much rather play UT in the SEC Championship game than UGA. UGA has a much better chance at beating LSU in the SEC Championship game the second time around.
I just wanna see the Auburn fans become arrogant again so LSU can humble them. As much as I hate the program, I've come to enjoy the smack talking that precludes any game against Auburn. The LSU AU game would be less fun if the Auburn people were expecting to lose anyway. What fun is the season without "Our Sh*t don't stink" Auburn fans?"
You know if Tennessee does manage to pull off the win, the crash landing of the collective expectations of the Auburn fans will make the Hindenburg jealous.
Thats thinking for the long term which is fine but to get to that game, Auburn winning is bad news for LSU. They are improving quite a bit and we will have to beat them and arkansas (amoungst others, see SEC schedule) just to get to the championship game. This will most likely be a tall order, at least we have them both at home. :geaux:
Bring on the best... LSU is becoming a class act...!!! We should welcome the chance to play the best. Auburn looks great. What a change from the USC game. Things change. LSU may be a better team the end of the year than right now and I hope that we play GA again as it would be a great way to gage the team's growth. Although, right now, It looks like Auburn may be the toughest team we have to play.