I don't know if this has been reported here, but I just got this information from Fox News. :champs: :lsug: :champs: :lsup: :champs: lefire: lefire:
And yet they want to play a football game...emphasis on GAME....when the damn school is closed all week. That is a joke. They want to play on a wet field against inexperienced QBs more than they care about the safety of travelling players and fans. Eventually (as in tommorow morning), the game will be postponed to Novemeber, but leave it to Tuberville to be the lowest common denominator.
I hope they can safely evacuate the farm animals - I would hate to see this hurricane destroy their sex education and driver's education programs...
Especially since their ear tagging program is in place They've just started practicing safe sex ... the kickers are tagged on the right ear :hihi:
About Aubrun vs. LSU game I have found all of the bashings of Auburn's athletics and Academics very interesting. The game will be delayed if it ends up being a damaging storm. Which, it most likely is. If it doesn't create damage then they will play. The worst of it will be over Thursday. In fact, they aren't forecasting any rain after thursday evening. I read somewhere in these forums that they were forecasting to hit Auburn Saturday..thats way off. By friday morning, according to the Weather channel, there will be no rain. I have tickets to the game and I am excited. At www.collegefootballpoll.com they picked LSU by like 1.5 pts. And since it is at the Jungle and I will be there screaming my head off you have to believe it will be a great game. I will be one of the first to admit that LSU has a good team. I don't have as many nice words to say about my other SEC nemesis, Georgia. I live near Atlanta so I get all of the UGA guys all the time. Thankfully someone beat them last year.
Holy crap! Auburn better get their live tiger...Wait, no... plainsman...Again, no...... eagle.. the heck out of dodge.
its not that hard to understand. Plainsman is way old school, you dont even hear that from anyone but non Auburn fans.
let's see a cat-5 hurricane, every gulf-bordering area has already evacuated. Please tell me you own a tv at least. its about logistics. clue. good god man, just when you think you've heard it all.
if you dont remember I said it most likely will cause damage, therefor, delaying game. It is weather for all you know it could go west or god forbid hit florida, yet again. I was mainly trying to correct statements that I read that it was forecast to hit Auburn Saturday.
and anyone with a clue has already bailed out....many players/students live on or near the coastline from both schools and have already bailed the hell out. Why do you think this is? So now this will only enhance the number of idiots waiting the storm out without evacuating due a stupid game. How nice will it be when a couple hundred more people die since they think the game could be played? Tubby is a piece of work. Let the kids leave now knowing there is no game JUST IN CASE. George Steinbrenner, part 2.