Auburn Fans (or those who have been to their stadium) Hows My Seat?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU-4-EVER, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. LSU-4-EVER

    LSU-4-EVER Freshman

    Section 37
    Row 9

    I looked at the seating chart but couldnt get a good idea of how well i will be able to see. Also am I in the middle of other LSU fans or preferably students.
  2. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    your seats are lower level in the Northeast corner of the endzone, in the visitor's section, adjacent to the band.

    The good news is that you're normally high enough (row nine) to see a lot of the action..... The bad news is that with a 3:30 start, the sun will be beaming into that corner, and the heat tends to build up and collect in that area.

    It's really too bad the game isn't earlier or later, then you could avoid some of the heat. It's not as much a problem for the band members because they're prepared for it and they stay hydrated.

    Just be careful that your crew doesn't hit the hard stuff too hard until the sun retreats...... I've seen them carrying folks off in stretchers from the liquor+heat combination.
  3. LSU-4-EVER

    LSU-4-EVER Freshman

    thanks ill remember that haha
  4. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    I have a feeling you won't like those low, sun in eyes, hotter than better let me have them and I'll suffer for you!!:hihi:
  5. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    There are no good seats at Auburn.
  6. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    They're in the visitors section, you couldn't exactly expect the cream of the seating wise.
  7. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    I've got sect 43 row are the endzones? is row 48 pretty high?
  8. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

  9. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

  10. Lurking Tiger

    Lurking Tiger Founding Member

    Your seats are not too bad. I will be right next to you. Of course, that lowers the value of your tickets, but I will try and be a good host.

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