they lost some bigtime heartbreakers early taking the wind out of their sails. they're much better than their record indicates. they have a lot of talent on that offense that will play on sundays or at least make rosters.
Are you kidding me?! Keller getting hurt is the reason why they have been having SOMEWHAT success lately.
LOL. Don't I wish. But they did accidentally win last Saturday against some Pac 10 team that I don't remember. Don't ask no questions, and I won't tell you no lies LOL. But not yesterday, they lost to UCLA as expected. But last weekend, they won somehow. :dis:
I went to both the UA and ASU games. If I had to compare the two, at their loudest moments, I'd have to say ASU wins, because on the last play of the game, the stadium reached such a fever pitch I nearly lost focus on the game and was awestruck at the amount of noise. But for the Alabama game I was sitting in the UA student section, so I wasn't on the receiving end of the noise, rather I was at it's origin, so I don't think I'd be able to give a fair judgment to UA.
And let me add to that. It is a quite loud stadium. From the way it is designed and structured. Less sounds like more at ASU. I have some Titan friends that came for the AZ TN game that have said this very thing. It is the loudest half empty stadium that you will ever hear. :lol: