I had the pleasure of working for Johnny "DAD", back in the late 80's at his boy's home... He was and is one hell of a tough cookie!!! God Bless him... ********************************************************** Original Dallas Texan a real tough guy 03:09 AM CST on Monday, January 31, 2005 By JEFF MILLER / The Dallas Morning News Johnny Robinson is no stranger to physical adversity. At age 30, he didn't let three broken ribs keep him from playing for the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl IV. [Click image for a larger version] DAN CURRIER/Special Contributor DAN CURRIER/Special Contributor Johnny Robinson, who had an interception for the Chiefs while playing in Super Bowl IV despite broken ribs, has come through a heart attack, stroke, bone-marrow lymphoma and thyroid cancer - all in the last eight months. Now at age 66, he has come through a near-fatal medical gauntlet since last May. In chronological order: heart attack, stroke, bone-marrow lymphoma and thyroid cancer. He has since had a quadruple bypass, his thyroid removed, chemotherapy to arrest the lymphoma and physical therapy to recover from partial paralysis caused by the stroke.