That Cap'n Nutt is interested in the Kentucky job. Looks like it's over for him. Grim scene at Razorback stadium last night. Even I was embarrased for the hoggies as that was a game they should have easily won. Word has it that Butch Davis is the man for next year, it's a lock. Hogs lead the nation in moral victories this year. Let's hope they don't decide to get good on the 26th. ldskule:
Nothing is ever a lock - don't fool yourself. I'll be interested to see how well Butch does for ya'll if you do get him. There were a lot of people against him, and some supporters, when there was talk of him coming here. I think Arkansas would be decent under him, but probably not any better than Nutt had them. The program will also probably get it's fair share of off-the-field problems with him at the helm.
Isn't Butch known for cleaning up programs like he did at Miami? I don't how this team could get any more off the field problems then they've had in the past. Don't get me wrong, Nutt is a great guy and I wish nothing but the best for him. The thing is that you have to get it done on the field. I still say he should have boarded that jet to Nebraska when he had the chance, the writing was on the wall. 4 Million dollar mistake.
As hardcore a Tiger fan as they come. ldskule: But since I don't live in BR anymore I still have to get my weekend SEC fix on even if means watching the porkers.
I didn't pay close enough attention to your name, sorry about that mix up. At any rate, has Arkansas had a lot of off-the-field problems in the past few years under Nutt? I don't remember hearing about it if so...
I would think he would be interested in that job because Kentucky might actually be willing to allow him to do it. Arkansas is done with him.