Arksansas's baseball coach just got throwed out of the ball game. It happened in the first inning. He shoulda got throwed out too :geauxtige :tigbas: :geauxtige :tigbas: :geauxtige :tigbas: :geauxtige :tigbas: :geauxtige :tigbas:
In the bottom of the first inning, one of Arkansas's batters got hit by a pitch, the umpire behind the plate did not let the player take his base because he made no attempt to get out of the way. The coach came out and showed his fanny by arguing (a lot) and the umpire threw him out, he kept on showing his fanny and the other umpires had to come out and get in between them.
:lol: Thought it was a typo at first, but the second one confirmed that he did indeed mean to say "throwed".:hihi: