Kind of on point for folks who like to read and or post to message boards. Evidently the creator of the board wanted to divest himself of the privledge of running the board and offered to sell the content to another hog fan, who promptly banned him from his own site, then placed the board under Full scale meltdown ensued, complete with threats of beatdowns, thievery accusations, etc. The amount at play? $200. Now the orginal board creator is vowing to bring back the old board better than ever. woopig has always been good for a laugh or 2. It made me realize, though, that these on-line "communities" have finite lives and they will not necissarily be around forever. It also made me realize there will never be any money to be made in admin-ing a message board.
I beg to differ... The reason my site was created was for an e-commerce class i took in college. We had to create a website that generated income. I chose 2 weapons, first Banners with and w/o commission based incentives. Also google pays per click on some of the ads it runs on your site. That generated income. And also postive returns after all cost. The cost was just paying the server rental fee per month. 2nd I cut out ALL ADs out and charged EXCLUSIVE membership. Lets just say I was making enuff money to pay my rent from month to month that semester. Now my board is free.
woopig will be back and better than it has been the past six months or so. There was major behind the scenes issues that led to the temporary implosion. If any of the principals want to chime in, they can. That's all I cansay about the situation.
Loved woopig. The classic thread entitled "Worst Car/Truck You Ever Owned" might've been one of the funniest things I've ever read.
Ok I'll take the bait since I enjoy 'fishing'. What makes you think that any of the 'principals' involved hang out here or would even care what Tiger Fans think? I enjoyed Woopig, I kind of thought of it as the "National Lampoon" of college sports forums. For those interested though, there is an interesting and comprehensive read on the situation and what went down there,,83736.0.html Good Luck to Woopig in the future! :hihi: HCT
Being a moderator on a message board is a tricky thing. When the board implodes, which is what happened where I moderated, the prinicapls involved won't speak about what truly happened due to legal matters.
I beg to differ as well. I know of multiple people who own forums, I being one of them, who make yearly salarys in one month. If you look at the well known forums such as,, etc..etc. Those are the real moneymakers, I would say that those admin make over 100k per month. Altho they have an operating cost of over 30k or more for thier site. The key to running a profitable forum is finding a niche market. Also, don't junk up a site with banners or google/adzoogle/ etc...etc. To many ads turns people off. For the record, this forum with it's average of about 200 people online constantly should be making the admin more then 10k per month.
I've read that the big message boards like fark, digg, or slashdot pull in way more revenue then that. The number was $500,000 in revenue a month if I recall correctly.