Wow, FoxSports has an article about the most idiotic sports fans in history. The AZ State people take the cake on this one. I have never heard this story and I'm not sure I'm aware of a more deplorable act in sports fanfare to date (with the exception of our traditional urine tossing and grandmother stomping when Auburn comes to town). The Arizona State Student Body On Jan. 20, 1984, two days after his father was brutally murdered in Lebanon by Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) extremists, University of Arizona guard Steve Kerr took the floor against the archrival Sun Devils. Kerr, then a freshman, would go on to score 20 points in the first half alone. But what was most memorable, sadly and appallingly, was that ASU fans, during the game, began chanting "PLO" at Kerr. While the ASU fans that evening didn't physically harm anyone, their actions were the depth and breadth of tastelessness. Link
I don't care what year that's from, that's terrible. It's alright to heckle your opponets, but that crosses way over the line. Sometimes you have to stop and realize that it's just a game. Remember, we're all Americans here, and our sporting events and rivalries are a big part of what makes this country great.
CRAWFISH doesn't look at things that way - it's unfortunate... Character knows no date. Hey, Hitler was a long time ago - maybe we should stop giving the guy such a hard time in the history books. Your father should have used a tissue...
So they had a bunch of idiot students that messed with the kid. He turned out fine, ask MJ. Hell, I remember whan I was 15, we (as in half of the PMAC) all chanted H~O~M~O~S~E~X~U~A~L everytime Christian Laettner was on the free throw line for all of america to see and hear........Was it right? not really......who cares, that was 15 years ago. It's time to move on. Comparing what Hitler did to hundreds of thousands of innocent people around the world to idiot fans chanting three letters, is BB. you're obviously weak minded. You remind me of this guy that sucks at tennis, everytime he lost a point he made up some stupid crap about the noise distracted him.... Next time you go to any sporting event make sure to bring industrial strength earplugs for your innocent ears...... btw, a tissue couldnt hold me back.....
Yea, you're right - that is pretty much the same thing as chanting the name of the terrorist organization that brutally murdered a kid's biological father two days before the game. No biggie... Please remove your head from your ass.
lol, never said it was right....... Just asked is you needed a tissue. Meet up with me before the first game, I'll bring you those earplugs to protect you from this crazy world.
Well, I understand Okie, she's a chick, but this is a sports board. When did everything become so sensative? Everyone needs to check and see if their nutz have dropped and get ready for football. Screw what ASU fans did to Steve Kerr 21 years ago. But hey, I can reform, I'll now hate ASU fans for what they did to Steve Kerr 21 years ago..... o: :angryfire o: :angry: :cuss: