Yes, and there's a constant debate as to whether or not that's fair. Not how insurance works. Someone defined the essence of insurance perfectly in an earlier post. It is the concept of guaranteeing that you pay a little now to protect yourself from the possibility of having to pay a lot later. It is not the concept of forcing someone who has more to pay for someone who has less. Yes, that's what I mean.
not really (in the mainstream anyway). are you suggesting that the richer should not pay more $ than poor? talk about regressive. this is about the health of the citizens (mostly, ooops:rolleye33 not about some definition of insurance. it should work however it will work the best, not necessarily how the current subpar system works. that's obtuse. outright rejection of ideas because of some label instead of on the merits of each is not the best way to formulate policy.
Not at all. If I make a million dollars and pay 15% on income tax, I pay a helluva lot more than someone who pays 15% on $20,000. But in the public debate, "more" is always about a higher percentage. I am nowhere near the highest income tax bracket by any means, and it does not improve my position in life one bit when some lib gets his hand deeper into a rich guy's pocket in the name of "fairness." But we're getting sidetracked here.... You are correct. So tell me what Barack Obama has done to deem him expert enough to re-create the American healthcare system? Call it what you want. But since, as you pointed out earlier, we're talking about healthier citizens, tell me this. Name a country that practices socialized, or government-run healthcare, where the citizens as a whole are better off because of the healthcare. Our system is far from perfect, and I'm certainly not trying to suggest that it can't be improved. But we as a nation would be a whole lot healthier if we'd lay off the junk food and exercise more, and that can be accomplished without spending a single tax dollar.
You mean like Earl K. Long and Big Charity or Huey Long Charity hospital. This crap will be history under universal heath insurance.
There is no such expert. Obama is not trying to do it by himself, Congress has a huge stake in this. Many experts will be involved.
Experts working for Congress. UCLA faculty experts advisory: Congress sets to work on health care overhaul
Fair enough. Now suppose the majority of Americans don't like what they show us? Will Congress listen to us and tell the experts, try again? What I think is more likely is that history will repeat itself. The experts will drop a 1,000 page plan on Congress, which will pass it without even reading it, because it will come with the decree from Obama that if it is not approved in the next 15 minutes, Armageddon will surely be upon us. Then he'll fly to Denver for a haircut and let it sit on his desk for a week.