I am the last guy who would claim to be a baseball expert. I didn't play. I don't care for the majors. If it weren't for LSU, I wouldn't care, or know, less. But I've watched a few games at the box and more than a few on TV come post season over the last 15 yrs, and I've learned a bit. I have always been proud when those "in the know", commentators and visiting teams/fans/coaches alike, point out the baseball savy of fans at the box. We whole heartedly cheer for great plays by both LSU and vistors' teams because we appreciate the inherent majesty of a great baseball play. Having said that, the brief cut to the LBS/Arizona game tonight when the cats had bases loaded and only one out (with a great escape), the announcers insulted even my meager baseball intelligence. I don't know who they are, but the comments by one dissecting the situation and pointing out the obvious was awful. I suspect that listening to these guys call our game would have prompted considerable disgust and protest. At least these guys calling our game are doing a fair job.
These commentators are ok, but Kyle keeps talking about when HE was drafted in the 1st round and when HE played with that same injury and how good He was in college and bla,bla, bla bla bla.
i love it when u hear these national guys compliment our food, but after a while it gets so repetitive, its like saying LSU had an incredible defense, no **** stop telling us stuff we already know
Thats why thier announcers, they have to talk about something and have fill in every now and then :grin:
Yeah I saw the last inning of the first game of that series, and I was not impressed at all with these announcers. Sounded like amateurs to me. And this one dude is so self-absorbed it's pitiful. He did show how he got killed by LSU back when we won the CWS.
Based on the 0wnage we gave him way back when......I was very surprised how pro LSU he was.... I thought he did a good job.
I understand your point but I don't like it still because in any other sport you always see the top teams in action year after year. Having said that there is no other school that has done what LSU has from the 90's on. As good as LSU has been you see more of other teams such as Florida, Texas and the left coast. Keep in mind I live in Colorado but I have direct tv sportspak and get your regional fox sports channels as well as all regional fox sports channels. If I was rich I would make my own LSU channel and show all games, live and classic unless I ran into problems unforseen.
I thought the same thing Friday night...In the Long Beach State game, I heard a familiar voice doing color...and I just knew it was an ESPN personality of some sort... They flashed their names onto the little box in the top left, and I sat there, amazed... The guy doing color-the third man in the booth, I think-was none other than Mark Schlereth... This is a guy that made his name in the NFL!!!!!!!!! The former offensive lineman for the Denver Broncos. I was slack-jawed. I mean, what business does this guy have doing a college baseball Super-Regional? When we've got guys like Ben McDonald who could have come in and done just as much insightful and in depth covering of this series-from his knowledge of pitching to the obvious knowledge of the series between these two teams to his downright affable manner, they could have spared Peterson over there to do some West Coast stuff, and still not sacrificed on-air quality. An NFL Offensive lineman calling a baseball game...I have now seen it all...
Mark Schlereth holds the NFL record for having the most surgery performed on him during his NFL career.