AOL CEO: 'Obamacare Is an Additional $7.1 Million Expense For Us'

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mancha, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Political favors done for votes are bribes. If Exxon had prommised a million dollars to fund education in Louisiana for a vote it would be illegal. What the Democratic establishment did, while legal is unethical.

    Again, those were concessions made to placate moderate Democrats. Not one Republican amendment was included in the legislation. It is a fact. Look it up.
  2. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    The main problem is that this bill went the wrong direction with respect to personal health accountability. People go to ER, Urgent Care, Doctor's office way too much. This is condoned by doctor's and lawmaker's alike. So instead of higher fees to go to the doctor, we mandate co-pays. Not only with private insurance but the problem is worse with entitlements. Medicaid insured patients should have to pay something to go to the doctor. Even if it's one dollar. Something. My wife is in healthcare and she's seen it firsthand. Supa rails on this all the time and he's right. The rest of this crap is just noise. If we don't take responsibility for our own healthcare, it doesn't matter what laws are passed.
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Think about that a while. I think you are wrong. When Hitler declared war on US of A, he pretty much lost that before he even started. Pearl Harbor, too. Lots of them.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not between politicians, we call it government then.

    Is it ethical when republicans do it? Straw man--Exxon is not a politician. You know good and well that politics is all about trading votes, within parties and between them. You vote for this farm bill and and I'll support your immigration reform. Politics 101.

    I did. The poison amendments did not receive enough votes. However Republican initiatives were included in the ACA. It is a fact.

    Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:
    • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
      • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill) R-DE; H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill) R-IL, "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")
    • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
      • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill) R-WY; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill) R-WI; S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” Burr-Coburn (R-NC, R-OK), Ryan-Nunes bill (R-WI, R-CA)
    • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
      • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill) R-IL
    • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
      • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )
    • Mechanisms to improve quality.
      • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill) R-WY
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's just a metaphor to match your "Waterloo" remark. Pearl Harbor and Hitler is a bit of a stretch, eh? My point is that the "battle" is barely underway and has neither been won nor lost just yet. The New Deal was huge and clunky and a big risk for Roosevelt under similar economic circumstances . . . but it happened and FDR got elected 3 more times.

    "Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!" -- Senator John Blutarski
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Healthcare amounts to around 18% of the economy so, yes, a large portion of the economy. It is your opinion that the broken parts of our health care system have not been fixed by the ACA because you have absolutely no evidence otherwise except for journalistic opinion pieces. That is why it will require allowing the law to operate as it is written. If there are portions of the law that need revising, then so be it. But anything you offer as evidence of the law's impending doom or, for that matter, anything I offer to say the law is the second coming of Jesus Christ are pure conjecture and neither of us can prove our points until we have time to see what the law looks like in practice.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I call a spade a spade hoss.

  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What's a spadehoss?

    Who is being dishonest here? I cited Republican-sponsored health care proposals by name and number. You trying to paint them as Democratic initiatives is calling a spade a spaceship.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    False! The Oregon report on Medicare and ER room visits was data driven. The fact that big hospitals, big pharma and big insurance signed on as a result of a deal that was published at the time. The total failure of the website is data driven. The data for the enrollment deficit is data driven. The acts by the president to defer enforcement and implementation is fact.

    The opinion that it will be a failure is derived from facts like the above and more.

    Another point that is the fact is that the expensive but popular parts of the bill such as no cap on life time benefits, no pre existing condition limits are being implemented without being paid for. Again this is well documented in other than opinion pieces. The lates being yesterday.

    It is my opinion that to perpetuate these benefits without paying for them sets up a trap where changes cannot be made. Waiting to see what happens only freezes them as a "right" without the attendant responsibility of paying for them.

    You constantly imply that we want to go back to status quo ante. That is false we recognize changes were needed but my solution is not a state managed quasi capitalism but first true and open competition between all phases of the health industry. I would rather put that in place then see what happens that what we have today as it would be easier to modify that today's mess.

    Finally your insistence that we wait till it is fully in place ignores the fact that when you see something is going off the road you don't wait to see what happens when you hit a tree but you start correcting it as quickly as you can. That is what I am advocating.
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Winston, you just listed one example of an 18 month long study, conducted in one state with, admittedly, a limited sampling that took place during the infancy of the ACA and you want to extrapolate that to mean the entire ACA is "trash"? Seriously? Because beyond that all that you really listed was that the website roll out was a disaster, which no one in their right mind has disputed, and that the result of the delayed web site, meaning decreased enrollments, is reason enough to assume that this law is doomed. This is about the most foolish conclusion you could possibly draw from the information you just listed, which I have to assume is the hoolabaloo you and Pride have been preaching to us about for the past three days. Furthermore, the temporary revisions to the law have been, by the administrations admission, to reduce the shock of the law on the economy until there is greater clarity. You call it some kind of dictatorial control measure and I call it good common sense policy.

    Regarding your final paragraph, your position assumes that the car is going off the road at all, which it isn't, and you cannot produce evidence to prove otherwise because there simply isn't enough data to support making changes yet. Should we keep an eye on this ER thing for Medicare patients? Sure, it's exactly what I've been talking about all along. That said, taking a small sampling conducted in the infancy of the law is akin to testing a toddler to tell you what career path they will's just too early to tell.

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