Anyone still believe in the merit of Affirmative Action?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by rfalco1, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. rfalco1

    rfalco1 Freshman

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Just wondering if there is still anyone out there who believes that lifting up someone at the expense of another is equality....
    1 person likes this.
  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    NOPE, I'm against it but there are racists on both sides of the fence.
    I use to work with a black racist who thought he deserved every white man owed him
    because of the way his ancestors were treated.
    We worked at US Airways @ DIA.

    I got to work one day and he was watching some cspan program about reparations.
  3. lsugrad00

    lsugrad00 Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    I think that things like affirmative action and reperations promote/encourage racism.

    Anything that treats one race/gender differenty from another promotes divison rather than unity. Then again I'm a white male and have never had to deal with racism.
  4. rfalco1

    rfalco1 Freshman

    Jun 19, 2004
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    come on!!! i know there's got to be some people out there who still believe in the merits of affirmitive action and would like to justify. WHERE ARE ALL THE LIBERALS!?! Hiding at the Heintz katsup factory?

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    You radicals republicans just don't and never will understand why AA is important. No matter whether if your particular ancestors did it or not, the white american govt enslaved and the discriminated against blacks. That discrimination still goes on, thank goodness it continues to disappear though as time goes on. The American govt is responsible for encouraging discrimination against blacks and they owe blacks something, not by reparations but by providing better opportunities. And if it means a white kid has to go to Umich instead of Yale, thats fine. This is about the American gov't making up for its wrongs. AA is temporary. The program has been in effect for less than 30 yrs and we are already starting to see huge progress. Give it some time, lets equal the playing field. The govt didn't allow african americans to have good jobs, go to good schools, and all contributed to a psychological deficiency by telling the black man that he was inferior. That sentiment still rings through black communities. And thanks to a conservative supreme court, AA is seen as legal and a true sort of reparation.
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Affirmative action is reverse discrimination. Millions of immigrants from all ethnic groups have come to this country and experienced bigotry and discrimination until they were assimilated into American society with no hand outs from the rest of the people.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dont like to use the term "reverse discrimination". that implies that discrimination only happens against whites.

    i actually like racists alot more than people who are quick to accuse others of racism. you wanna be racist, thats your opinion, there should be no laws against being irrational. you wanna hire all whites and hate blacks, fine, its not my business to stop you. in fact i encourage you to do so, because your competitors who actually hire on merit will beat you.

    if i am a terrible racist, and i want to never hire a black person, because i hate them, that should be my right as a private business owner. however, as i pay taxes for government to actually choose on merit, tax funded organizations should always be indifferent to race.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    The key word is immigrant. Blacks didn't migrate to america, they were chained put on ships naked stacked on top of each other, and shipped here. No other American immigrant has experienced a fraction of the discrimination blacks have. People should not have a right to discriminate against a person on the basis of skin color, private or not. You are given a right to be able to live in a land of freedom, you should not be able to turn around and hinder anyone else's freedom or right to gain employment.
  9. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    How many thousands of years must this go on and who has the right to decide when its run its course?
    Don't they benefit enough from professional sports?
    Do you think Colin Powell and Dr Rice got where they are today by AA?
    How about JC Watts and Alan Keyes?

    You are the problem here not us, I worked with a black racist who wanted everything given to him because he thought it was owed to him.
    All the people who had blacks as slaves and those slaves themselves are dead.
    Why not let all racism and AA(more racism) die with them?
    Let people make a life for themselves with their own ambitions, drive and smarts.

    btw, the racist black guy who came out with a book after he was fired from the USA Today because of plagerism got his job by AA.
    "Burning my masters house" or something like that.

    That is what happens when someone doesn't earn what they deserve.
    They take it for granted, give an inch they'll take a mile.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    why not? let me ask you this:

    can i discriminate on the basis of hair color, like i wont hire redheads? is that ok, or that is on your little protected list? can i discriminate based on month of birth? is that protected? why do i give a damn about your list of what i am allowed to like or dislike, rationally or not? your list sucks. i can discriminate on eye color, but not skin color? dont you see that that is stupid?

    and if i own a business, isnt that my business to manage as i please, and if i hate veryone and wish they were all dead except blacks, shouldnt that be my business? isnt my freedom to manage my things without government interference? since when do i owe anyone a fair chance? screw them, its my damn business!

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