Buddy Songy keeps hinting like he knows of some players who are leaving. Does anyone have any scoop on this? :geaux: :helmet: :lsup: ldskule: :lsug:
There is the rumor that Matt Stoltz, freshman from Little Rock will be heading to Arkansas after this year.
A friend of mine said Matt Flynn's dad did not sound very happy on the plane back from Arkansas. I doubt he will transfer, but he said Matt only missed two days with the sore shoulder and virus during two-a-days. The rumors of him missing a week or two of practice are false. I think Matt's dad is like any other father, or in this case, all LSU fans. Matt probably should have had a shot this year. But Saban didn't want a 3 qb rotation.
I certainly believe Matt should have gotten a fair shot this year. I think it speaks volumes to his character that he has not pouted or whined about it. I also believe NS will give him a fair shot this spring. Don’t give up on LSU Matt.
A player in Flynn's situation would do well to wait until after next year to decide if he will leave or not.
Why is that? He would only have 1 year to play if he transfers after 2005. You lose a year when you transfer. (unless you move down to div 1aa or div 2) I think he will stay and get a shot this spring and fall. At least I hope so.
Flynn will play when CNS and the crew are convinced he's ready to. Simple as that. As for his dad being pissed off or feeling like there's been some injustice done to his son, that's perfectly normal I'd suppose. Even so, who cares? Last I checked his dad (Flynn) had nothing to do with the team or the decisions that were made regarding it. Saban will grant him play time when he's ready for it, not when his dad says he is. It's easy for everyone to sit back and say now "He shoulda got more playtime"... But Saban dealt with the team every day, and continues to do so. Doesn't anyone think for one second that if CNS thought it to be a great help to the team to have Flynn taking snaps, he would have? If Flynn indeed only missed a couple of practices, then that gives him less of a reason not to be on the level that the coaches needed him to be on to be able to play... (Not to mention not wanting to train 3 QB's all at onece, 2 is hard enough to deal with..) Flynn will have his time, and I think he will be a really good QB for us, when CNS and co. decide it's time.