Man, I was tired of hearing the media give Michigan the reach-around on the subject of who was more worthy of playing OSU for the title! Herbstreit, John Saunders, and that irritating shrimp Doug Flutie were especially bad! Didn't hear any of 'em talking trash after USC put the beat down on the Wolverines, though. Talk about outchoached! Lloyd Carr, who whined like a brat after not getting a second shot at the Buckeyes, got taken to the woodshed by Pete Carroll and his staff. It was clear to all of America which coach made good adjustments at halftime and which didn't. Put Michigan up against Florida, and I think Urban Meyer would make Carr and the Wolverines look like simps, too. I'm no USC fan, but I was rooting for 'em yesterday. Barring catostrophic injuries, the Trojans have a great chance of winning another title next year. :geauxtige
I could never root for USC but them winning should help us in the final polls. Now if OSU beats FL we could finish #2. Obviously we would need to win as well.
I could never root for USC to beat anyone because I don't think ANYONE not even UM is as bad as USC when it comes to them being better than everyone else. I've never seen a coach wine like Pete Carroll does either. The only bad thing about this is that UM under Carr has lost their last 4 bowl games. Rumour has it that he may be fired and Les Miles might be looked at as a replacement. Then again if NS is available maybe LSU could match Bamas offer?
Where did you hear this rumor? Les might be looked at as Michigan's replacement? Is Michigan really looking to fire Carr?
Wouldn't that be funny, Carr gets canned, Les go home to Michigan, Nick comes back here and Bama is left at the alter again. I don't see that happening, but stranger things have happened. I hope that we keep Les. Nick brings way to much drama with him.
Please, no. I am and have been forever an LSU fan, and I too thought Saban hung the moon when he was here. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and wished him well when he left for Miami. But because of the way he handles his business, I have no choice but to see him for the weasel he is. He has no character, and I for one would MUCH rather see him on the sideline than on ours. Sorry if you disagree, but that's how I see it.:thumb:
Well, all this would have to go down w/in the next hour or so, so I don't see it happening. It would suck, however, if Bama hired Saban and Les hauled out to Michigan and LSU is stuck in Bama's greasefire of a situation. Holy sh*t I hope this doesn't happen! :nope:
Now that USC has beat the tar out of an overrated michigan team (again), they will be annointed the 2008 national champions as soon as the 2007 game is over...
I'm glad USC spanked them, but I think it's a bit much to say Carr was "whined like a brat". He said what any good coach would say in an effort to campaign for his team. What was he supposed to say?