i got turned onto single malts about 10 years ago on a trip to glasgow, scotland. they've got many different types, and i like them because they are so much smoother than a blend. anybody else like single malts? any favorite kinds? i like glenlivet, laphroaig, dalmore, tomatin, macallan, and glenmorangie. i try to find at least 12 yr old vintage (sometimes i'll go 10 yrs) and i wish i could afford the 16 yrs and up stuff. Single Malt A Single Malt Scotch is an unblended Malt Whisky; all the whisky was distilled at the same distillery, and is not combined with grain whisky. Noted single malts include Highland Park, Talisker, The Glenlivet, and Lagavulin. here are some others: (any of these your favorite?) Abef Aberfeldy Galb Glen Albyn Jura Jura Abel Aberlour Gall Glenallachie Kinc Kinclaith Ardb Ardberg Gbur Glenburgie Knoc Knockando Ardm Ardmore Gcad Glencadam Knod Knockdhu Auch Auchentoshan Gdev Glen Deveron Lady Ladyburn Ault Aultmore Gdro Glendronach Laga Lagavulin Balb Balblair Gdul Glendullan Laph Laphroaig Balm Balmenach Gelg Glen Elgin Link Linkwood Balv Balvenie Gesk Glenesk Litt Littlemill Banf Banff Gfar Glenfarclas Locn Lochnagar Benn Ben Nevis Gfid Glenfiddich Locs Lochside Bera Benriach Ggar Glen Garioch Long Longmorn Bern Benrinnes Ggla Glenglasshaugh Maca Macallan Benr Benromach Ggoy Glengoyne Mill Millburn Blad Bladnoch Ggra Glen Grant Milt Miltonduff Blai Blair Athol Gkei Glen Keith Mort Mortlach Bowm Bowmore Gkin Glenkinchie Nort North Port Brac Brackla Gliv Glenlivet Oban Oban Brui Bruichladdich Gloc Glenlochy Port Port Ellen Bunn Bunnahabhain Glos Glenlossie Pult Pulteney Caol Caol Ila Gmho Glen Mhor Rose Rosebank Cape Caperdonich Gmon Glenmorangie Sain Saint Magdalene Card Cardhu Gmoy Glen Moray Scap Scapa Clyn Clynelish Gord Glenordie (Ord) Sing Singleton (Auchroisk) Cole Coleburn Grot Glenrothes Spey Speyburn Conv Convalmore Gsco Glen Scotia Spri Springbank Crag Cragganmore Gspe Glen Spey Stra Strathisla Crai Craigellachie Gtau Glentauchers Tali Talisker Dail Dailuaine Gtur Glenturret Tamd Tamdhu Dall Dallas Dhu Gugi Glenugie Tamn Tamnavulin Dalm Dalmore Gury Glenury Tean Teaninich Dalw Dalwhinnie High Highland Park Tobe Tobermoray Dean Deanston Impe Imperial Toma Tomatin Duff Dufftown Incg Inchgower Tomi Tomintoul Edra Edradour Incm Inchmurrin Torm Tormore Fett Fettercairn Inve Inverleven Tull Tullibardine