I haven't seen or heard anything from him throughout all this. All I've seen on him is he is supposedly on vacation in Wyoming. I'm just wondering how bad his health really is.
I'm sure he is well secured at this point. Anytime Bush is out and about, Cheney is unheard from for a while. Possibly in a secret bunker somewhere. Or maybe he is having the machine that powers him replaced. Because we all know he is not really Cheney, but actually an android that looks like Cheney.:hihi:
I think Cheney is really running the country in the background and Bush is just a front. This way if the bad guys get the so called President, they will really be fooled. :hihi: :shock: :grin:
Still no Dick Cheney 8 days after the storm. Has anybody ever seen Cheney and Rehnquist at the same time?
http://www.nola.com/newsflash/natio...ws-5/1126199340271500.xml&storylist=hurricane HEEEEEERE'S CHENEY!
NPR has now announced that Dick Cheney will be touring the Louisiana Emergency Preparedness operations today. I couldn't mention it yesterday, but we knew that a honcho was coming when everybody going into the OEP as of yesterday had to acquire a Secret Service pass in addition the the ID already required. My guess was Cheney.