If the game can be played in Tiger Stadium then it should, I think the people who have to make the call will do whats best for everyone............
Screw ASU..... Tiger Stadium is not damaged and the construction has a damn good shot at being complete. Hopefully, the evacuees at the PMAC will have been rerouted to a better long-term facility.....the PMAC was just a triage/acute care unit.
i'm not saying i want the game in tempe but BR's infrastructure is so taxed right now i wouldn't be outraged if they did move it. it would just mean that they would come here in 2007.
I still contend the right thing to do is move this game to another venue or postpone it. Playing in TS this week doesn't make sense.
The logistics for you are definitely better. It is a much shorter drive from Cali to tempe, that is is to BR. See if you can find 90,000 + other tiger fans out there and we'll go tell Skip that it's ok to move the game.