Any word if Nick picked a starting QB for this week?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dothantiger, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. dothantiger

    dothantiger Founding Member

    I just do not like the 2 QB situation.....even as great as they both were this past weekend. Any word if we have a 1 QB gameplan for this weekend?
  2. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    Marcus Randall will start and play several series. After that, it depends on what is happening.
  3. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Did Nick say that? Or are you just guessing?
  4. dothantiger

    dothantiger Founding Member

    Thanks......sounds good to me!
  5. bigfella99

    bigfella99 Founding Member

    I think Russell may be in as early as the 3rd series if Randall doesn't start well.
  6. dothantiger

    dothantiger Founding Member

    Well, I highly agree, like most, to put in Russell if thinks aren't going so well for Randall, but if he's moving the ball and putting points on the board, please leave him in.

    If he would've stayed in the entire AU game, do you all believe things would've come out different?
  7. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    Just guessing. With the addition of a little common sense. Does anyone really think Russell is going to start this game? No way in hell. I will take 100 to 1 odds on that.
  8. Turbotigerfan

    Turbotigerfan Founding Member

    I thoroughly dislike the two quarterback experiment too, but Saban did say at his press conference yesterday that Randall would be the starter at UGA.
  9. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    you better hope like hell Randall does start well. Or whoever starts. this is the time to be serious and stop all this i wish my man would play bullsh1t. We need a winner in the game, whoever that is. I am at the point where I hope they BOTH ROLL like a freakin steam roller over the dogs. i want it to be WHOEVER is in there scores at will. :thumb:
  10. bubbafong

    bubbafong Founding Member

    Yeah, it'll be Randall starting. He's looked pretty good post Oregon State, so I'm pretty confident he'll play well. If he starts to struggle, I'm sure Saban won't hesitate to yank him before the game is lost. I see some good drives early, with Randall throwing some nice short and medium passes to Bowe and Davis, Broussard tearing up some yardage, and Randall making some nice scrambles when protection breaks down. Of course I'm no prophet, so I can't say that WILL happen, but that's what I'm expecting to see.

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