I was just curious why they couldn't already drop rations and supplies for the people in New Orleans especially the police, woman and children? In time of war they drop supplies from the air using C-130's or helicopters? It seems to me that they could've made some drops already? If possible who is responsible for this not being done?
This would not work because of THUGS not letting the people who really need the supplies have it. I have heard stories that people in boats go to house to get them off of the roof and they don't want to leave, they just want food and water so they can stay in there attics.:dis: :dis:
I would think that this would be possible because of the National Guard and police that are left in NO. I think the problem would be the communication issue between those on the ground in NO and the outside world. Seems like they would have to take the chance, it also seems like there would be enough security personnel around the Superdome to do the trick, especially those helicopter landing pads nearby.
What's left of N.O. must resemble a third world country and the thugs are in control. Food drops wouldnotwork until order and control is restored.
Bush announced yesterday that all of this kind of help is on the way. But it won't happen instantly. Right now the helicopters available are being used for evacuations. When the navy ships arrive and the troops that Bush promised the situation will improve. Military trucks can ford 3 feet of water and get in with tons of supplies . . . but it takes time to get them here, not to mention getting logistics together to feed and supply them so they don't become part of the problem.
I hate to say it but Houston was more readily prepared for a hurricane than New Orleans. Obviously they were prepared for this in case they had to take in Texans from Galveston if a hurricane was to hit there.
Bush was just on TV and said that the federal support was being rushed because they know the crisis is now.
This support is late. The NG should have been deployed and on stand by when it appeared a cat 5 and worst case was on the way to N.O. Federal disaster aid should have been on the ready. Poor leadership from the top down.
You may be right although you have to blame poor leadership in Louisiana from the last 40 years. Everyone knew this could happen and no one did anything about it. Even the roads out of NO should've been better for an evacuation. People are dying all the time, every minute of the day, no one seems to be in charge running things such as the evacution in NO and there is no communication between NO, the policeman, guard or anyone helping people because no one is telling these poor people walking on the interstate telling them what to do or whats going on. Meantime, Houston and Texas seems more prepared by a post disaster event and are able to put a plan forward to help the victims.