We lost a bunch of young fruit trees this winter, will be replanting them. Our goal is to have about 1/2 acre with various fruit trees. If you want some potatoes, I'll let you know when we are gonna dig them. Come over and get what you can use.
appreciate it but we got plenty. uncle has a huge garden and most of what he cant use or can is given away or the deer get it. Same with mine. No reason for 3-4 of us right here to be planting full on gardens.....might as well divide it out and each do a few things and just share around. Lot less for us each to hoe every other evening.
we have a good many fruit trees and berry bushes. several pears, couple apples, satsumas, cumquats, figs, blueberries, blackberries(thornless now and lots of wild ones both black and dew berries that I fertilize), plums, peaches, persimmons wild and jap, mayhaws, and quince. Even with 5 houses here on the compound making jelly wine pies bread preserves canning etc we cant come anywhere to using it all......yet for some reason keep planting more. Just found out about whats called a January Pear that bears fruit through February. I am on the hunt for one of those.
We always plant taters Valentines day. Just put em in the ground at my uncles house yesterday. Run a couple rows of corn too just to have some early stuff and it always comes out prime no worms in it ever like you get later.
If you want potatoes, with you next door neighbor State, you can get quality without coming all the way down here. Kyle's no farmer. He only does that to meet women in his church so him can pass em the spade.