I like an ice cold pilsner but whatever it is, the less hoppy the more better and nothing with oatmeal in the name.
I like everythin from stouts to pale ales, and Lagunitas is the stuff in my kegarator most of the time, but I firmly believe anyone who can't enjoy a cold Miller High Life or Budweiser is some sort of pussy.
I drank Miller High Life back when it was considered a "premium" beer and cost the same as Budweiser. Now it is a "cheap" beer but still tastes the same. I drink it all the time. A six pack of High Life Tall Boys is only $4.69 at my local grocery store
High Life is great. I had a buddy who drank it exclusively and reveled in the whole "champagne of beers" slogan. I haven't actually had one in a few years as I've moved to Coors Light for my "standard" beer.
I am fine with a great many domestic American beers. Disdain for them is effete Euro-crap. I do like a Mexican beer sometimes, don't you fucking dare put a lime in it, Pancho. Heineken is horse piss to me like the rest of those European green-bottle beers. Any place that has Bass Ale on tap gets my business. I like a pint of draft Guinness from time to time, don't try to serve me a canned Guinness. German beer is often good, but boring with their strict beer-ingredient laws. About half of the micro-Brewery and Beer-Pub beer is crap, in my experience. There are a lot of people making beer in this country that should be selling cars or something. Anybody that drinks beer with fruity shit in it may as well be caught drinking a girly cocktail with a paper umbrella. I will punch a hole in your man-card.
I have to agree with everything you said except that I do like Heineken. Whoever came up with the idea of putting fruit in beer, along with whoever started putting pineapple on pizza is probably gay. A few months ago a friend told me he was coming by and I told him to pick up a six pack. I didn't tell him which brand. My mistake. He showed up with Bud Lime. I threw him out of my house and told him not to come back until he grew a pair.
Picked up a 12 pack sampler from the liquor store a little bit ago, got the Lazy Magnolia Lazy Dozen, which is a sampler of 4 different beers: 3 Southern Gold golden honey ale 3 Deep South pale ale 3 Southern Pecan pecan nut brown ale 3 Indian Summer wheat ale Haven't tried any of them but the southern pecan and the southern gold but so far they are very good. Would definately buy them again. Their brwed and distributed by Lazy Magnolia out of Kiln, MS.
I usually drink Coors Light (sorry, Shane), but I also get a Foster's from time to time. I don't want anything to do with a dark beer. I did enjoy a Stella Artois in Boston last summer, and some Italian beer called Moretti at the pizza joint in Epcot at Disney World. I bought a whole pitcher of that, but I think I'd have bought anything my hot Italian waiter, Luigi, would've recommended.