Any Atlanta Fans listen to Buck and Kincaid?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by jimbeaux, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. jimbeaux

    jimbeaux "Have a Great Day"

    Sep 16, 2003
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    After listening to the 4:00 hour, which is usually devoted to College Football, there were quite a few LSU fans "venting" on the priblems with our coaching staff and the mental errors made during the game. I was wondering what other Atlanta area LSU fans think of B&K's evaluation of the game.?
  2. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    On 610 AM in Houston, this morning lots of irate Tiger Fans calling in to vent and blast Miles, Pellini and Fisher.

    The announcers, who are not stupid, and don't bleed purple and gold, had watched the game. They agreed with the fans that the coaching looked pretty inept. Downright stupid at times. Didn't like failing to get 3 pts at end of first half, failing to try for the field goal at the end of regulation, Miles trying to call time on a change of possession. Players not looking sharp.

    One said he was told by an NFL scout that LSU had more NFL talent than any program in the south. Not just counting seniors, but the whole roster.

    If Miles can't win with that, then he is out of his league.

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