There are reports that Chris Yoder, a 3-star OL who committed to Saban last summer has now committed to Texas A&M. This is now the second Texas recruit who has decommitted from LSU. Anybody have the story here? Are we dropping the ball in keeping our committments happy? Man I hate Franchione.
they said same thing about Matt Flynn also.... Just like the Aggies, worst Texas school there is....I also remember the same rumors about Matt Flynn, but it was proven false. Unless it breaks and becomes offical on signing day that is when I will believe it. I refuse to believe in Rumors till they become facts. He maybe an aggie on signing day, but till its official he is still a Tiger recruit.
I searhed all over ond as far as i have heard he is still a lSU recruit.... but living in Bama as i do coach fran will tell the recruit anything he want's to hear i just pray for jim that he never has to drive through Alabama ...... if he ever got pulled over he might not get out............
I would not read anything into it to be honest, At least I wont, this is bound to happen to some of our recruits that committed early, I am sure some of our recruits did the same to other schools. Also on the TE from Lewisville, (If that is the other one) actually rumor is he committed to LSU but LSU actually was not recruiting him anymore, I dont know the whole story, but from Purple and Gold I got the impression, he committed and LSU said not so fast. But that is just something I read. Thanks for the Info,.
Oh for the record Rivals is reporting him to Fraud.. Good for him.
Yoder has always been a Faggie fan he just never got an offer from Slowcum, but now Fraud offered and he jumped all over it oh well now someone gets an offer who actually wants it (Josh Muse)
well too bad.... but if he dosen't wanna be here, then so be it, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. maybe now we can maybe get Adam Kraus to decommit from Michigan, to come to LSU, or maybe a Josh Muse, isn't he from Denham Springs??? oh well at least if frees up another schloarship for someone who actually wants to be a Tiger.
It happens. We had Drew Tate decommitt last week from us after 1.5 years. He wanted to throw the ball on every down and doesnt' think Fran will. You guys might want to cross your fingers on Flynn seeing how he wanted to play for Fran. I think he will still stay committed to you guys though.