This was by far the worst called came I've ever watched. These announcers were absolutely atrocious and what's even more embarrassing is that they're from Louisiana? They shouldn't be making mistakes with names and numbers and whatnot. I felt like I was watching a high school game. A few examples: Donald Tolliver Dougie Beckwith Saying Charles Scott for Richard Murphy And my favorite: "And LSU doesn't get the first down, but wait, I think they're going to give it to them because Ryan Perrilloux is coming on." This was when the defense was clearly on the field and RP hadn't moved from the bench. I know they rarely do TigerVision broadcasts, but they could at least find some better announcers.
Actually that was me a few weeks back when I thought Perrilloux was in on special teams and I questioned it. :hihi:
They also talked for what seemed like 20 minutes about how common it is to put quarterbacks on special team coverage... And eventually correcting themselves that it perrilloux wasnt even out there.