On a website called, "The Pigpen", Arkansas fans were all crowing about their freshmen quarterback... An allegedly dynamic player who could pass as well as he could run... A guy that started the season as a wide receiver, who also played basketball for "Merle Norman" Nolan Richardson... This player was-literally and verifiably-referred to as "The Next Michael Vick"... What has happened to this player? His name is Matt Jones... No less than 24 guys arrested since 1998 by Houston Nutt...At least 3 players arrested since the outset of the year... The old cliche that, "The inmates are running the asylum," could never be more aptly applied to this trainwreck of a football program... But, I digress... Let us show, "The Next Michael Vick" how far away the Atlanta Falcon's injured star-even with two good wheels! Get fired up!