Amp Hill in practice

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Maderan, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. BB

    BB Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    TE, people can post whatever they like - as can I. IMO, what is going on inside a player's head in regards to his future as a Tiger and a football player shouldn’t be speculated on to that degree when it’s negative. I have no problem with CRAWFISH and I appreciate you rushing to your buddy's defense. Again, it is my opinion that what he posted concerning Amp Hill's psyche was inaccurate and, more importantly, inappropriate.
  2. talltiger

    talltiger Freshman

    Jan 28, 2004
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    from speaking with Amp the past couple of days, he's had a fire in his voice that I haven't heard since last August when he called me at 5 in the morning to tell me that LSU was going to win the National Championship. He's definitely fired up right now and ready to play. The main thing he's trying to do is get used to his teamates again and make things happen on the field. I don't think there is anything wrong with posting what you hear, but you've got to remember that everything you hear isn't 100% accurate. Maybe if you lead off your news with that tidbit, it might go over a little better with everybody. All of y'all seem like good folks and hopefully we'll be able to tailgate with y'all when we come to Baton Rouge.
  3. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    talltiger...You are MORE than welcome at the KOR (Krewe of Ragoo) this fall, man...ANY TIME YOU ARE READY...You'll be the guests of honor...

    Imagine...Free food with that famous southern flair...10 free cases of Abita Beer Purple Haze...a DJ with a limitless collection of music and a kick@ss soundsystem, and people milling about with funnels and beer...

    You're cordially invited to the Northwest Corner of the Indoor Track Facility. Park in the grass lot right off Nicholson, and tell them you're with the Krewe of Ragoo and flash your game ticket. The cops will let you park for free!

    Trust me, folks...We all love LSU players here. It's just that the thirst for "inside scoop" sometimes yields not so positive information. Crawfish didn't intend to demean him in any way. Crawfish-as a matter of fact-can relate to him as he's blown out both of his knees himself (multiple ligaments in both, right C-fish?)better than most here could...

    The insight came from a good source, and a good place. We love Amp like we love all LSU football players.
  4. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Well, he's still on the team ... unlike some of the crap and rumors posted here lately ...

    All that talk about Nick ... just doodly-squat :dis:
  5. talltiger

    talltiger Freshman

    Jan 28, 2004
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    Thanks for the invite TigerEducated. I'll let you know when we're going to take you up on that. I can tell that you guys really support your team and the players. I think that was a big reason why LSU won the Championship last year. The biggest thing we need to remember is that one player does not make the team. From playing the game myself, I really feel that football is the ultimate team game and I've tried to instill that into Amp's mind and I think i've succeeded. He really loves the town and the fans and we thank y'all for supporting him and the entire team the way you do. :geaux:
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    That degree? He said that he was getting frustrated from continual swelling in the knee and that he was losing interest. He speculated based on the fact that his source told him that and that his source knows he hasn't been making consistent workouts w/the team. How difficult is it to infer that if the young man is attending what most players deem as mandatory workouts only intermittently and has a knee that's giving him ongoing difficulty, then perhaps he's losing interest?

    I mean, I'm not here to joke around, but what else could one draw from that situation? When someone tells you how they're acting when they do work out, and the fact that sometimes, they don't show up to work out at all. Do you think Amp just had a scab on the palm of his hand that wouldn't go away? He didn't want to aggravate a sprained earlobe?

    You'd be stupid to post that info and NOT infer that information. Anyone else would have quite quickly if Sam had left that inference off.

    Amp is still dealing with swelling in his knee, and is only attending workouts over the summer sporadically which we all know most players attend religiously. What would you take from that? Girlfriend trouble? Were his workouts scheduled at the same time as Dr. Phil or something?

    It's very easily to surmise that from the information Fish had. Cut and dry to me. You have your opinion. I have mine.

    We're all Tiger fans. It's not always good news. But, no one is here with malicious intent.
  7. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    talltiger, let me know when you're ready. The KOR will plan ahead and make sure we have a reception waiting for you guys. I'd also like to take the time to thank you for the perspective...
  8. talltiger

    talltiger Freshman

    Jan 28, 2004
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    Not a problem TigerEducated. I love being able to give the board some news from another source. Any news I get, I'll be sure to share with the board.

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