In the advocate article mentioning who will miss practice or sit out due to injury there is no mention of Hill and his situation. I think this bodes well and shows that he is close to being back at 100%. I hope we get a report on how he does in the wind sprints.
This is great news! CRAWFISH - if you're out there - it was no more than a week ago that you were spouting off about how Amp Hill is losing interest in football, blah, blah, blah. Several sources are reporting a much more positive outlook. Stop posting negative news unless you can stop being so misinformed.
I agree with BB. I don't think anyone show post negative news unless they are sure that what they have is the truth. Who cares who your inside source is.
I'm glad to see Amp out on the field. We need him to stay focused. His own family knew what I was talking about. You can keep whining if you wish.
So, if individuals that are close to the team tell you that it seems he's uninterested, we shouldn't post it...But, if it's positive news, we should post it... I guess I can agree, but the guy was only trying to relay information about the team. He's usually on target, and I'm sure his source didn't purposely tell him that knowing it was wrong. I mean, why would an LSU fan make up bad news about an LSU football player? The guy never "spouted off" and didn't say blah blah blah at all. He said that the guy wasn't in attendance for workouts with the same consistency as the other players. The opinion of his source was that he was evidently either losing focus or interest because of this and their observance of his behavior. Why is it wrong to go with that information? I mean, it's negative, but it's still information that I'd think I'd want to know about in hindsight.
Agreed TE, could you imagine if all that was posted on here was positive stuff? We would be living in Imaginery Land and then when the the real info came out, we would all be stunned. No thanks. I want to hear the truth about what is happening WHEN it is happening.
Hill still fighting mild swelling and pain but looked fair in the sprints ... per my sources ... rumors lately here on Tigerforums ... let's talk about Nick Child :hihi:
ramah, what does your Crystall ball say about Child and Joseph? Damn, I'm feeling like a junkie who just had a relapse...LSU FOOTBALL, BABEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whose down for the Caterie on Friday? I can't get there till around 7pm...Any takers?
Amp's a great guy but he's struggling right now. Did you notice it took Nick Saban a couple minutes to even mention Amp's name tonight when speaking of the possible young receivers that will contribute. Nick went through all the the names twice before he mentioned Amp Hill. He's got to get healthy. People like "BB" can make an issue out of my post on Hill if they feel the need. He lost intereset this summer. Hopefully he will recover from the knee injury(swelling after workouts). I would expect his family and friends to defend him(not that it's needed). YES he's working his arse off now that the team has reported. Geaux Amp Geaux Tigers