US Politics Amnesty

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mancha, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Crock....of....shit. They cost California over $10B/year. And you think they don't benefit?
    "the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.....
    California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become."

    Let me tell you about how they also avoid sales tax. Where I live, a lot of the lower income jobs like cashier, are filled by illegals. Their "amigos" come in to the liquor store, pizza parlor, convenience store, fast food restaurant, and GIVE them their purchase rather than take payment. I see it every single day.

    And like I just posted, 15% of the student population is illegal aliens in CA. And according to the "UCLA Anderson Forecast...illegal immigration also highlights the growing importance of the informal economy -- consisting of nearly 2 million Californians who are working, but not at payroll jobs, in many cases getting paid off the books without having taxes withheld."

    Probably the same time it became acceptable to throw around terms like redneck, fag, whore....did you object to those? It's no less offensive then a politically correct reference to "undocumented workers".
    tirk likes this.
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Let me tell you the story of Joe Legal and Jose Illegal:

    You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2
    parents, 2 children and live in California. "Joe Legal" works in
    construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with
    payroll taxes deducted...."Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has
    "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".

    Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per

    Now take 30% away for state federal tax, Joe Legal now has $31,231.00

    Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per
    year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes... Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00

    Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage $1000.00
    per month, $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $19,231.00

    Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and
    local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00

    Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare.
    Joe Legal pays for food $1,000.00 per month, $12,000.00 per year. Joe
    Legal now has $7,231.00

    Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and
    Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

    Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month. $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal
    is now in the hole minus (-) $4,769.00

    Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal
    pays rent. $500.00 per month. $6,000.00 per year Jose Illegal still has

    Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after

    Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

    Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe
    Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a
    government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school
    ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.

    Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services,
    but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

    Don't vote/support any politician that supports illegal aliens...Its PAST
    time to take a stand for America and Americans!

    "Wetback" does not apply to all persons of Hispanic heritage, only to those who came to this country illegally. Therefore the term wetback is not racist but merely descriptive of a group of people who are breaking the law - criminals. Unlike the "N" word. Which is clearly racist and offensive. Unless it is said in a rap song or by black people as a term of affection, camaraderie and brotherhood among themselves. Or shouted hundreds of times in a hip hop song very loudly in a semi public place. Like the car next to me this morning at the gas pump who left it on really loud while he went inside to pay for his gas.

    Raghead, tent head, dune coon and sand nigga are are racist terms. But who gives a shit? They are used as derogatory terms to denigrate an enemy who is sworn to kill infidels. Whether you are a Christian, Jew or athiest you are an infidel.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    If all of this is true then why in the world hasn't the congress passed an immigration bill to make these people pay their fair share of taxes? Why haven't they passed a bill and demanded that the President sign it to prevent this very thing from happening? Why, because the very people who fund their campaigns are benefitting from the cheap labor, benefitting from those illegal immigrants gaining government benefits so they can pay them a measly wage. You should be standing and applauding the Presidents actions because for the first time in a long while it requires some sense of accountability that, frankly, the Republicans haven't been willing to enact.
  4. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Walk up to someone of hispanic origin who you do not know and call them a wetback. If you don't get the shit kicked out of you, then we can talk about it being an acceptable term.

    Until then, you're just trying to justify racism.
    Winston1 likes this.
  5. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    First of all, you're quoting Dan Stein who is hardly credible. Second, you made a quick Google search and pasted some bullshit from or the Washington Times. I'm sure you feel that is called "research", but it's not. Even if what you pasted was true, it completely ignores the billions that illegals pump into the California (and American) economy. It's like arguing that a business will fail by pointing out the expenses while ignoring the profits.

    Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration is on record as stating that illegal immigrants contribute $15 billion to the Social Security fund every year which they will NEVER be able to draw from. That's $15 billion in pure profit. Now that there are about 5 million more people who will begin paying payroll taxes, that's about to make a jump higher. That's just Social Security alone. They also egenrate billions in sales taxes, which stay local.

    The evidence that illegal immigrants are such a benefit to the American economy, it's not even debated among economists anymore.

    Now, I will concede that border states/cities see an undue share of the burden from illegals, just like Louisiana bears the brunt of issues stemming from drilling in the Gulf. Every state and region shares a similar burden, I'm sure. I feel that there should be some efforts made to assist those areas, although I do not have any ideas at the moment that I think would be effective.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    You don't read vert well, do you? I said the term wetback only applies to ILLEGAL aliens
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    So its only "research" if it comes from a left wing source?
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    This is the fault of Congress. These fucking morons are about as useless as a sewn up pussy.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Let me know when I can stop paying income tax because I pay sales tax too.

    That has got to be the weakest argument on the planet.
    tirk likes this.
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    From 5 years ago and from the left-leaning LA Times....
    "There were 2.8 million illegal immigrants living in California in 2006, the last year for which there are relatively good figures, according to the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California. That represented about 8% of the state's population and roughly a quarter of the nation's illegal immigrants. About 90% of California's illegal immigrants were from Latin America; 65% from Mexico.

    There are roughly 19,000 illegal immigrants in state prisons, representing 11% of all inmates. That's costing $970 million during the current fiscal year. The feds kick in a measly $111 million, leaving the state with an $859 million tab.

    Schools are the toughest to calculate. Administrators don't ask kids about citizenship status. Anyway, many children of illegal immigrants were born in this country and automatically became U.S. citizens.

    If you figure that the children of illegal immigrants attending K-12 schools approximates the proportion of illegal immigrants in the population, the bill currently comes to roughly $4 billion. Most is state money; some local property taxes.

    Illegal immigrants aren't entitled to welfare, called CalWORKs. But their citizen children are. Roughly 190,000 kids are receiving welfare checks that pass through their parents. The cost: about $500 million, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office."

    How about Mike Antonovich? He's a lefty and in public office in LA.
    "With an additional $54 million in welfare payments issued in April to illegal alien parents for their native-born children, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services projects that more than $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

    The $54 million spent in the month of April alone, consists of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs (welfare) and $35 million in food stamps — representing 20% of all CalWORKs and food stamp issuances in the County. At this rate, the projected annual cost is approximately $650 million.

    “When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” said Antonovich. “These costs do not even include the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually for education.”

    Over $1.6B which does not count education and that's for ONE county.

    Dan Stein is a graduate of Indiana University and has a law degree. His career studying and pushing for immigration reform goes back almost 20 years. You may not like his point of view but that doesn't make him less credible. And he's the spokesperson for FAIR, not the person who presented the research. That would be Eric Ruark, using data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services.

    We could keep the conversation to nothing but the economy and yet there are socio-cultural impacts as well. Did you know that Latinos are the fastest rising group of HIV-infected people? They also account for the fastest growing number of familial violence and molestation. Why? Because of the stigma and code of silence within their communities. It's far worse in SoCal to be a gay Hispanic than a gay white man.

    How about drunk driving? That is also a frequent problem within the Hispanic community.
    "Nearly 300 illegal immigrants were convicted on driving-while-impaired charges and placed in North Carolina prisons in 2007.

    Hispanics also account for 18 percent of drunken-driving arrests, while making up less than 7 percent of the state’s population, according to a study from the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center aired in WRAL's documentary "Focal Point: Crossing the Line."

    The study also showed that Hispanics involved in car crashes were 2.5 times more likely to be drunk than white drivers and three times more likely to be drunk than black drivers.

    In the three cases listed above, each of the accused drunken drivers had extensive contact with the judicial system – but had managed to elude the immigration system until these incidents."

    Uh, yea. That idea just went by the wayside. "A massive 2014 federal spending bill passed this week by Congress would cut nearly $60 million — or about 25% — from a federal program that reimburses states and local governments for the cost of incarcerating undocumented immigrants convicted of crimes.

    Local and state taxpayers will have to pick up a bigger share of the tab as Congress moves to reduce the annual funding of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) from $238 million to $180 million in 2014.

    Among the states that would be hit hardest are Arizona, California, Florida, New Jersey, New York and Texas, which have high numbers of undocumented immigrant criminals serving time in state prisons and county jails.

    "This is already a burden for state and local law enforcement and county budgets, and this latest cut just makes things worse," said Matt Chase, executive director of the National Association of Counties. "Our view is that it's the federal government's role to take care of illegal immigration. They're supposed to protect the borders but they've failed and local law enforcement is paying for the consequences of undocumented aliens being in the country."

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