We need to worry about SC, Fla, Alabama and Arkansas. Those who choose to talk about one game before the next are foolish. Keep our sights on South Carolina....end of story.
If you are on the team I agree with you. I am not on the team, so what does it matter? I will be the only one disappointed. Thanks for caring. MNC all the way!!!!
Oh, but it's okay when you start threads on: The Florida game, LSU deserving to be #1, according to your Cali friends, evaluations of the Top Ten, and God forbid, that Saban thread. Get off of your pedestal, practice what you preach, or enjoy other's points of interests too. >Ticket to Florida game< >LSU deserving to be #1, according to your Cali friends< >Top Ten Evaluation< Not to mention this thread on Saban......GAWD. www.tigerforums.com/roundtable/5862...e-but-its-true-nick-saban-top-5-college-coach. Freeloaders, especially, shouldn't bitch about anything.
The only thing I need to keep my sights on is setting up my tailgate and getting my drink on. I'll let the team worry about SC, Fla, Alabama and Arkansas. Those that think fans talking about possible MNC scenarios, will somehow effect the outcome of the game, are foolish.
I called Les and he said it is OK to look ahead of the next game. Said it won't hurt the team at all.:dis:
They certainly don't appear to be the threat they were at the beginning of the season, but it would be dangerous to overlook them. You can't every count them out. A wounded tiger is still dangerous.