Alabama fan or not

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsufaninmiss, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. lsufaninmiss

    lsufaninmiss GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nov 11, 2005
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    I got this in an email today, I thought it was kinda funny

    A first grade teacher explains to her
    class that she is an Alabama fan.
    She asks her students to raise their
    hands if they are Alabama fans too.

    Not really knowing what an Alabama fan
    was, but wanting to be liked by their
    teacher, their hands fly into the air.

    There is, however, one exception. Susie
    has not gone along with the crowd.

    The teacher asks her why she has decided
    to be different.
    "Because I'm not an Alabama fan" she eports.
    "Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"
    "I'm an LSU Tiger fan" boasts the little girl.
    The teacher asks Susie why she is an LSU fan.

    "Well, my Dad and Mom are Tiger fans, so
    I'm a Tiger fan too" she responds.

    "That's no reason," the teacher says.
    "What if your mom was a moron, and
    your dad was an idiot? What would you be then?"
    the teacher asks..

    Susie smiles and says, "Then I'd be an Alabama fan!"

  2. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Orginally, a little Johnny / Clemson joke that turned into an Auburn joke that turned into a ...

    At least, that's how I heard it. Funny, none the less.
  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    what makes it better is that it is true gump....very true:)
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Maybe you can confirm this for me...

    I heard you had a visiting professor in BR the other day talking with a group of psych students, about 100. He asked how many had seen a ghost in their lifetime. About 75% of the class raised their hands. Then he asked how many had talked to a ghost in their lifetime. Only about 25 raised their hand then. Finally, he asked if any of those 25 had ever had sex with a ghost in their lifetime. One, wearing a hat with LSU on it, raised his hand.

    The professor asked him to come up front. He said, "Of all the schools I've been to I've never had someone say they had engaged in sex with a ghost."

    "Oh, I thought you said goats." :hihi: :thumb:

    I suppose it was a La La Tech fan, right?
  5. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    If they were also related then she would be an Auburn fan:thumb:
  6. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    actually no, it was a visiting hs senior from hoover hs wearing the LSU hat. it seems he lost a bet due to his reluctance to defend his sister's actions with the hoover football team ....the entire team...before John Curtis visited last year. it seems they didn't have their game legs after a "session" with said sister. :cool:
    1 person likes this.
  7. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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  8. LSUgirlinTx

    LSUgirlinTx Is it game time yet?

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Who told? :D
    Most of those jokes are "insert your team and their rival here" Germans, but they're still pretty funny.

    The following events are true. The names have been changed to protect the awesome and the not so awesome.

    Professor: Hello to all, this is going to be a great semester. My name is ____ and I just got my Masters from LSU. I've just accepted a teaching position at LSU. I got my BS from Bama. LSU is an okay school...goes on to totally bash LSU while 1. on the campus 2. teaching an entire class of LSU students and 3. the place where they had just pursued a MS...let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. I like blah blah blah blahbety blah and I've gone to every Bama game blah blah I'm a huge fan blah blah my greatest achievement was when Bama won the National Championship in 1992. I was there. Blah.

    Me: Hi, I love LSU. I'm a huge fan. I, like all in this class, have been going to games since I was 3. Therfore I have no clue as to what you're talking about LSU fans not being devout. My biggest accomplishment was when LSU beat Bama last year to break their winning streak in Baton Rouge.

    Class: Ooooohhhh.....

    Then it was like an "I'm Sparticus" moment and the rest of the class began talking of their love for the tigas.

    Professor: PO'd. Big time PO'd. For the rest of the year.

    I had Bama professor all 4 years of college. Every semester. Couldnt shake them. Turned out to be a pretty good sport. After my last visit to their office they said to me "You know, I never really held it against you that you're such a huge LSU fan...." I said "I dont see why you would. We're in a building that has LSU on the door, your paychecks come from LSU, we can throw a rock right now and break a window on Tiger Stadium (wouldnt, but that's how close we were)'s not like we're miles and miles away from all that is LSU"

    This was after all the final grades were turned in- learned my lesson from the B I got in the first class with them.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    You prolly really had a "C". :grin:
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    :hihi: :hihi: @ the disclaimer.

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