If you read the Advocate sports section it is obvious that they visit Tiger football websites and borrow much of their material. I don't have a problem with that I just wish they would keep up with the conversation. How many times do you see something here or on another LSU site only to read it in the paper days later being reported like fresh, hot off the press, you heard it here first material? How many days ago did the Tommy rankings appear on this board Dubois? If you are going visit this and other boards to get material at least visit more often and keep your material fresh. Maybe instead of writing articles they could just provide links to current knews on the net. These guys need to go out and find some news instead of running rerunsIMO.:dis:
You are misinformed, sir. Any sportwriter who takes unattributed, undocumented BS off of the internet and publishes it will get fired really fast. It just doesn't work that way, amigo. 90% of the stuff you see on these forums is wild speculation at worst and informed opinion at best. Thank god it doesn't end up in print. Reporters have to take the time to see that a story is true before publishing it. Internet posters just hide behind their anonymity and will say anything. Yes, you will get news here first, but half of it doesn't pan out. You get it from the paper reliably.
OK red, I agreed with you until you took it a step too far. There isn't too much to be read in the paper that is reliable. I've been waiting on them to change the story on how Saddam was caught with $750K trying to buy his Sugar Bowl tix....
Didn't say anything about "unattributed, undocumented BS off of the internet" I said material. http://www.2theadvocate.com/stories/121503/spo_amuck001.shtml The Tommy ranking was all over internet boards days ago. Do you thing this guy called Dubois and said hey I have some hot news for you? No he saw it on the net and decided to write an article days after it was old news. Dubois does write some good articles but this is not the first time that an Advocate writer has written an article based on something found on a message board that had become old old news. Nothing personal they just need to keep up.
Hey TT, sometimes these guys work on a story for a day or 2. He probably saw it, did some homework, and finished up his story. Once it got past editing, it got printed. Dubois writes some good pieces. And other than his day after the game pieces, seems to put some thought and time into his articles.